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#1 Re: General Discussion » A compilation of reasons and arguments why one should be anonymous. » 2023-07-16 18:59:25

The whole idea behind Crypto/BlockChain is a secure environment based on random "transactions" that occur through a variety of activities. Mining is a form of interacting with the Utopia blockchain environment, by actively mining, transactions are created and build a stronger blockchain. Crypto is just a "reward" if you will for participating in the blockchain. Also, by buying and selling Crypto, those rewards are traded for whatever purpose and become "transactions" on the blockchain. Which strengthens the blockchain and drives the "value" of the Crypto you are participating in. What Utopia brings to the table, is that just being online in Utopia also acts as a "micro" transaction, further strengthening the blockchain and also adds a small amount of value in further securing the environment.
Nothing is perfect, after all the old adage goes, "Build a better mouse and they will build a better mouse trap", this is true... But what makes security in the blockchain,  is the random and concise transaction information that is disseminated to all the nodes (activities) being maintained in the blockchain.

Also, having to become an expert or a blockchain "Geek" isn't necessary for the average user in any blockchain environment. A simple understanding of what is occurring "under the hood" is useful and only benefits the user, Believe it or not, the weakest link in the Utopia Ecosystem is still the end user. So, you ask, what does all this mean to me, how does it affect my anonymity and privacy. Understanding the "participation" benefit is a good thing, keeping your passwords and credentials safe is still extremely important, the more complex a password is, the better. The less anyone other then yourself knows about your passwords or other valuable information is crucial. But as far as I know, there is no way to break the blockchain and find information about people. At least in the usual methods that we humans tend to think in...
Some discussion has begun on what "quantum" computing will do to current encryption methodologies and the blockchain and the answers are not all positive. But let's not lose any sleep over that just yet

#2 Questions and Help » Funding Questions. » 2023-07-16 17:32:43

Replies: 11

Is the only CRP funding source, mining?

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