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#26 Re: General Discussion » What is reason for huge spike in price of CRP? » 2023-08-17 23:03:07

KAMSI_UG;20569 wrote:

The best way CRP crypton price can go up is if we start using CRP crypton not just using it as a form of investment let's all be practical.

Well before we can fully start using it, the adoption level of CRP crypton has to increase that's what important right now we have to have more adoption .

#27 Re: Merchants Accepting Crypton » 1800+ merchants accepting Crypton CRP and Utopia USD » 2023-08-17 22:51:46

CrytoCynthia;20540 wrote:
level;20513 wrote:
Vastextension;20512 wrote:

The project team needs to be active in the forum, pay attention to community feedback, answer questions, and consider community input when making decisions.

A forum can help the project team's plans align with the aspirations and needs of the larger community by encouraging open communication and collaboration with the community.

A project should always have good project team, this is very important and I see Utopia p2p team as one that everyone should emulate. I appreciate the way the team carries the project .

Well a good project team is important but also a good project community is also very necessary and I think the community of UtopiaP2P is amazing and growing rapidly.

#28 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-08-17 22:50:35

Well I have now started to enjoy the habit of reading, this has helped me so much in my understanding as now I can read lots of books in my spare time.

#29 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Guess the price of CRP at the end of 2020? » 2023-08-17 22:44:49

KAMSI_UG;20575 wrote:

Comparing this year to other year I would say this year comes last the market has not been encouraging for sometime now

Well that's true I think this has been a Price of CRP crypton has really dropped compared to how strong it used to be but I still feel that all hope is not yet lost

#30 Re: Channels and Groups » CryptonBET » 2023-08-17 22:41:01

KAMSI_UG;20577 wrote:
gap;20525 wrote:
Dozie;20455 wrote:

When ever there is a regulatory body in anything they there is no longer freedom and I believe UtopiaP2P is a project promoting freedom so I don't see that happening.

I can say there is unavailability of the uNS regulators at the moment cause it has actually been a while we've heard from them.

Well I don't think there was anything like uNS regulators before or have I heard about them, but if there is it would be awesome .

No there is none you can easily create uNS for yourself but you should understand that the longer the uNS name the less the amount you would need to pay for it get lesser

#31 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-08-17 22:39:53

Well Barcelona has the players to make them stand out that's for sure all they need now is the right mentality I believe they can go really far this season and win major trophies.

#32 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Guess the price of CRP at the end of 2020? » 2023-08-16 20:46:27

Kelechi;20397 wrote:

With the halving of Bitcoin happening next year I see the price of CRP crypton going up at the end of the year.

What if the halving of Bitcoin have no effect on CRP crypton? This is a strong possiblity we can't throw out if the window. It's just vest to hold CRP crypton and hope for the best.

#33 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-08-16 20:42:04

JONSNOWING;20405 wrote:
crpuusd;20311 wrote:
JONSNOWING;20285 wrote:

Aside crypto, most individuals may not show interest in other things  which is why it’s best for one to always do what they enjoy doing. Cryptocurrency has different areas to focus on differently I guess

Well i would say with the Utopia p2p ecosystem there are various things to enjoy within, the ecosystem covers some certain space to entertain its users and moreover there are also other developing criteria that can be explore during users lessser period.

You are right mate, cryptocurrency will always keep on evolving and increased services to engage in for users will also come up especially for those that mostly base on cryptocurrency

Yes UtopiaP2P ecosystem would definitely develop even further that's why I am really excited to get amongst the early birds on Utopia p2p ecosystem for real.

#34 Re: General Discussion » Avatar » 2023-08-16 20:40:48

CrytoCynthia;20131 wrote:
Vastextension;20128 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;19870 wrote:

Well the discussion about avartar can I only become valid to me when we start to have some sort of services on the UtopiaP2P ecosystem until then I don't think we should be talking about it just yet.

Ok but users of this forum can still make use of avatar and for the services you're talking about you never mention any

Well yes you are right there are some people who has se specific avartar they would love to have so because of those people o would say it's a great idea to have some.

Avatar is a beautiful thing to have and I have come to realize that having a service board or not we should all be entitled or choose of we want an Avatar or not.

#35 Re: General Discussion » Is It Possible To Make Other Blockchains Lives On The Utopia Network? » 2023-08-16 20:39:26

Kelechi;20160 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;20150 wrote:
Cromanes;1331 wrote:

I don't think so. The product "Utopia" and its blockchain system is sufficiently pro-playtard will not give the possibility of creating another one inside the blockchain.

Utopia p2p having it's own Blockchain is super amazing, it's not easy to see a project that has its own Blockchain. Utopia p2p is building a new generation crypto-currency world.

That's why Utopia p2p is more than just a project it's an ecosystem with all of those benefits and utilities.

Well UtopiaP2P is sure amongst my top option on terms of cryptocurrency ecosystem. CRP crypton the native coin of Utopia p2p is an amazing coin that I see progressing in the nearest future .

#36 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-08-16 20:38:05

Guess Manchester city did not see that coming. They actually felt relaxed and they thought it was going to be an easy match for them but Sevilla showed them that that won't be the case.

#37 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-08-16 19:00:24

Well I Respect Sevilla for reaching this level they reached its actually not an easy task and I believe they want through hell to win the Europa league but a match against Manchester city is a different thing and very difficult.

#38 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » change for paper currency p2p » 2023-08-16 18:59:08

CrytoCynthia;20370 wrote:
Kelechi;20274 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;20258 wrote:

Well If i was short term investor I would definitely go for investing in coin based on hype but I am a long term investor And i would rather check the market history.

Then you are a holder of CRP crypton if I am to guess because one CRP crypton is very affordable and it's been around for a while now and hasn't done badly so far .

The best way to make good profit from CRP crypton right now is to buy it in a large amount well according to your capital but ensure that you do so now the price is low.

Well buying is one thing also holding is another thing, so it's best to do both so as to maximize your investment opportunities and also CRP crypton can be used properly for other utilities.

#39 Re: General Discussion » How to how to use Idyll Browser » 2023-08-16 18:58:05

CrytoCynthia;20368 wrote:
IyaJJJ;20355 wrote:
thrive;20350 wrote:

The transition to Ethereum 2.0, with its focus on PoS, scalability improvements, and continued community engagement, aims to address some of the centralization concerns associated with Ethereum's current state.

I don't much about every you said about Ethereum 2.0 address centralization but their POS is a centralized system.

I don't know about this before but seems how Ethereum is structured I have always thought that they were not fully decentralized and now you have pointed this out I would do my research.

Well the biggest issue I have with Ethereum has to be their transaction fees I am not all that concerned about if it's decentralized or centralized, it's still a big coin.

#40 Re: General Discussion » Utopia and Crypton (CRP) in 2022 » 2023-08-16 18:56:48

CrytoCynthia;20371 wrote:
Kelechi;20266 wrote:

Can we lock this thread now, we are now in 2022 and I think alot has happened this year I believe we can talk about that's for sure.

Well I don't think it's wise to lock the thread now because we actually need the discussion. Even if the year was last year it can still be related to this present year .

Well you have a point and also this thread can help newcomers to fully understand how far CRP crypton has come and what was the situation last year.

#41 Re: General Discussion » What is reason for huge spike in price of CRP? » 2023-08-16 18:55:48

Well guys can we discuss about what would boost the price of CRP crypton right now. We have seen that the price of CRP crypton has remained low for a very long time now, so guys what can be done

#42 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » change for paper currency p2p » 2023-08-15 19:23:20

CrytoCynthia;20223 wrote:
IyaJJJ;20184 wrote:
Kelechi;20172 wrote:

I would rather own some cryptocurrency that has good strength and potentials than to own a land from where am from using same capital.

Yes, holding cryptocurrency is a good investment but there's no bad in going to real estate investment and it's one of the ideas of diversification of portfolio.

Well you can actually invest in more than one options, cryptocurrency is a good idea and I can advice it to anyone but you have to also understand that there are risks attached to it.

So in terms of investing is it better to invest on hype or how strong a coin is on any market condition? There are project that are only got for a while.

#43 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-08-15 19:22:11

IyaJJJ;20254 wrote:
KingCRP;20232 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;20130 wrote:

Well the heads of UtopiaP2P must be a set of people who doesn't like how things are going andare doing all they can to change the corrupt traditional system of finance.

Definitely the head of UtopiaP2P are very strong willed people who believes that cryptocurrency is meant to be decentralized and everyone is meant to have freedom they deserve.

I agree with what you said and according to the UtopiaP2P ecosystem manifesto with things happening between social media like Twitter,  Facebook and the US governments with other government privacy and decentralization is needed more than ever.

I'd UtopiaP2P happen to come out with their own social media platform like Twitter, Facebook and the rest I won't hesitate to join in and register, I feel safe on Utopia p2p ecosystem.

#44 Re: Channels and Groups » The forum special board » 2023-08-15 19:20:50

Kelechi;20159 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;20147 wrote:
Comrade;19911 wrote:

We ought to have forgetting that the forum consist of a "General Disscussion" which base on anything that relate to Utopia discussion.

Well that's true tye general discussion is meant for so many topics but my question is how or why do we have more than one general discussion board. I believe one is enough.

For now the forum is still trying to get more discussion on various groups as much as possible so for now we can post anywhere.

Well from what I am seeing already the forum is growing fast and that's great to see I personally hope things remain the same and maybe we would see the forum becoming amongst the top.

#45 Re: General Discussion » Your take on AI » 2023-08-15 19:13:10

CrytoCynthia;20222 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;20219 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;20137 wrote:

Yes definitely, the future is bright for Crypto-currency and the technology, honestly I am very happy that port Court has had their own fair share of the who technology advancement

Crypto-currency is fast advancing and anyone not yet involved in cryptocurrency is surely missing alot of things I must say but definitely everyone can still catch up

Well if you are on Utopia p2p then definitely you are on the right track that's just it. Cryptocurrency offers amazing utilities but UtopiaP2P personifies those utilities and it's amazing m

In as much as I am in supports of Utopia p2p I still believe that it can do some wrong but no project is perfect tha why we all need to also protect ourselves the best way we can

#46 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-08-15 19:11:51

CrytoCynthia;20248 wrote:

Finally Neymar has left Paris saint Germain to Al alihal of Saudi Arabia, this was not expected but I think it's good for the french club they need to make their future certain by taking out some players.

Well yes you are right also it's a good business deal for Neymar because this deal would make him amongst the highest players in the world which is super amazing and I believe Saudi Arabia too would benefit.

#47 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-08-15 12:23:06

CrytoCynthia;20130 wrote:
Vastextension;20127 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;20052 wrote:

Definitely UtopiaP2P ecosystem has probably the highest and best number of utilities, so mate which amongst the utilities Utopia is your favorite and why is that

The UtopiaP2P have the highest level of utilities because it was created to solve issue in almost all area in the market

Well the heads of UtopiaP2P must be a set of people who doesn't like how things are going andare doing all they can to change the corrupt traditional system of finance.

Definitely the head of UtopiaP2P are very strong willed people who believes that cryptocurrency is meant to be decentralized and everyone is meant to have freedom they deserve.

#48 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-08-15 12:17:40

CrytoCynthia;20225 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;20221 wrote:

Manchester united just narrowly defeated wolves by a single goal and as a neutral in the match I believe that wolves deserves more than just a draw in the match.

Well it's not a bad season start I must say for Manchester united it's always good to start with a win although I believe they should have done better but nevertheless they can do more in future.

Well it's not easy to beat a team like wolves any day although I think that Manchester united did not play very well I still see great potentials in the team.

#49 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Crypton Exchange - vote for new coin » 2023-08-15 12:14:45

CrytoCynthia;19974 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;19914 wrote:
Kelechi;19910 wrote:

Well I don't think the team is that anonymous, I have see several videos about Mr hackers having interviews about Utopia p2p and I believe he is a team member.

Yes and UtopiaP2P has sponsored some cryptocurrency seminar and workshops where members of their team were guest speakers in the events.

Yes I think I saw one of such seminar or workshop that happened in the middle east and j was really impressed by the lecture that was giving by Dr hacks, I think it was amazing.

One thing is very sure and that's  Utopia p2p has actually sponsored several seminars and project just like this in several countries and I believe that they would still be sponsoring more in the future.

#50 Re: General Discussion » Are you still using CEX? » 2023-08-15 12:12:57

Well that's true they are deceiving themselves cryptocurrency is surely not a get rich scheme and if you are not careful you can actually lose the money you invested into it.

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