
Official forum for Utopia Community

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#51 Re: Official Announcements » We are excited to launch uTalk » 2020-12-27 14:03:24

qinqinaibi;88 wrote:

Is there a communication group of Chinese miners

Yes, there are chinese channels aswell, you can find from Channel Manager.

#52 Project Announcements » Utopia's first Search Engine » 2020-12-24 09:33:49

Replies: 2

Utopia's first search engine is live now!

Idyll Search : http://idyll

#53 Re: Alternative Currencies » Bitcoin » 2020-11-21 13:22:48

Dr-Hack wrote:

Call me old school , but Bitcoin gave birth to the concept which led to so much , btc has it's shortcomings, It might not be for daily fast transactional payments but it is the equivalent of gold.


#54 Re: Questions and Help » Profile Timezone Change Error/Bug » 2020-11-20 19:14:29

lilik wrote:

I tried to change my Timezone in Profile > Essentials page. When I selected a new Timezone and clicked "Submit", I got a message

"The email address you entered is invalid."

I don't know if anyone else have this bug, so anyway I will leave "How to reproduce bug"

How to reproduce bug:
- Change your Timezone to another and click "Submit".

Any ideas why is this happening?

Hello, team aware of this bug. Will be fixed soon.

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