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Hey guys the match between Chelsea and Liverpool has to go down in history as one of the worse games I have seen this season, both teams played in a very disgraceful manner and like they are tired of the competition already.
I actually had a feeling the match would end draw, both teams are coming back from defeats Chelsea in the hands of astin Villa while Liverpool was demolished by Manchester city so it's quite understandable.
oba;6682 wrote:Buddhi;6661 wrote:I vote for LTC on crp exchange.
This will give more flexibility in money deposit and withdrawal, option for cheap and fast transactions.
Also, the coin is the proven top coin.I guess you're the user which was advised to make use of this Crypton Exchange listing vote when he suggested the admin to list Litecoin on the Crypton Exchange.
Honestly, we need more cryptocurrencies to be added to the Crypton Exchange so it can get more traffic especially now that a lot of issues is happening in the cryptocurrency market, and if the issue persists more crypto enthusiast will need privacy service. if Crypton Exchange adds LTC, ETH, and some top crypto it will be a bonus for the ecosystem.
Well yes you have made good sense on this, we currently have listed on Crypton Exchange, Bitcoin, CRP, Monero this are good coins no doubt but I believe that there should be more coins listed on Crypton Exchange.
The more I hear people talking about the Utopia p2p mobile application the more I feel we haven't been appreciative of what the project has done so far and to me it's such a pity.
Well I can understand the desires of those who wants the Utopia p2p mobile application, they actually want to have more access time on the application and mobile devices flexibility can only offer that.
Since CRP Crypton is a privacy based coin, and I know it's listed in exchange like cointiger exchange and Lbank exchange with may be centralized, Is it possible that CRP Crypton can be listed on big centralized exchanges like binance?
KingCRP;6737 wrote:Detroit;6717 wrote:Good point mate. But I still believe there is more room for improvement. From 2019 till date is around four years now, I think they should have a better picture of where this project is going to. They lack traffic here honestly.
Well they don’t lack traffic, have you checked Utopia p2p out on twitter or some other platforms they actually have traffic but I would say there is always room for improvement on any project.
Utopia p2p doesn't lack traffic but also they need to improve on the publicity level also. The project has all it takes to be the next Big thing but it need to get the word out there.
The fact that 1800+ merchant has accepted CRP Crypton as a means of transactions I believe it definitely has gotten good grounds in tea of adoption all that's left is for the team gk meep working on that.
If Utopia p2p can break into the Africa market I believe it would be a big step for this project in the right direction. Although I believe the team has already planned out the strategy.
Bitcoin is great but with the ban on cryptocurrency in lots of countries in Africa CRP can serve a good use. It can be used to send Untraceable anonymous transactions anywhere and to anyone.
KingCRP;6391 wrote:CrytoCynthia;6373 wrote:I have seen many coins under the influence of the whales and how uncertain they can be, I think part of the reason CRP Crypton remains very stable is due to the fact that it’s not easily manipulated by whales.
One thing whales do is to buy coins in bulk there by increasing the demand of this coins and after a while they start to dump it bulk quantities also there by reducing the demand and causing a fall in the price.
Okay everyone is of the reasoning that CRP Crypton is not affected by the whales but if whales can just buy coins and affect the value by actions they take, why won't they also do so with CRP.
Well the market of CRP Crypton is very strong and not even the action of the whales can affect it. It's a coin that has built on a decentralized network and Utopia p2p is a Blockchain on its own so if would be very difficult to manipulate m
KingCRP;5680 wrote:IyaJJJ;5518 wrote:This reminds me of an adage that no matter how far lies go the truth will always prevail. This same thing applies to the cryptocurrency market no matter the hype used to prepare a project in the market its longevity is numbered.
Well it’s not easy to find a long lasting project in cryptocurrency, there are top cryptocurrency like bitcoin , Ethereum, monero that has had good history, I have a strong feeling that CRPCRYPTON would be amongst those elite soon.
According to the major reason that brought together the developer that created the UtopiaP2P ecosystem. I believe the Crypton coin is already on the list of the long-lasting cryptocurrency we have in the market.
Well CRP Crypton started in 2019 if I am not mistaking so I won't consider CRP a long lasting coin just get but it has shown over the years that it's not just a one season wonder coin .
JONSNOWING;6412 wrote:KingCRP;6388 wrote:So guys have we all agreed to give the team so time and take a break from asking about the mobile application just yet. I think we are good with the desktop of the application for now.
Well this isn't the only platform where the Utopia p2p community can reach out to the team. Many people are still asking about the UTOPIA P2P mobile application on their telegram and twitter platform.
Well I won't be the one making a case about Utopia p2p not releasing the Utopia p2p mobile application. If fact there is an active Utopia p2p mobile application but it's just for the channels on the application.
Yes and I have used the available Utopia p2p mobile application and it's actually exciting and the channels are very entertaining, the only set back it doesn't contain stuff that the desktop version of the application possesses.
Well I would love to see what haaland would do for his national team, he may be so unlucky in terms of sports to actually be from Norway but if he can blend with his team they would be unstoppable.
Leonel Messi has made us feel he is actually super human. I don't see any other player of that age not getting any talks about their age, personally I would love to see Messi playing on for a very long time.
CrytoCynthia;5463 wrote:NFT is mostly bought using some more adopted coins like bitcoin, Ethereum and also stablecoin I really haven’t seen a place for the sale of Nft that uses CRP as a means of exchange but you can buy from peer to peer using CRP Crypton if the person accepts.
I believe if the Utopia p2p NFT shows up we would be able to buy NFT using CRP Crypton but currently it would be very difficult to buy some NFT using CRP, come to think of it NFT isn't that popular.
And when do you think the NFT marketplace of Utopiap2p would be out. For now you can only use CRP Crypton to buy any NFT of the buyer actually accepts it as a means of payment.
CrytoCynthia;6375 wrote:Hey guys I saw a question asking how important is the artificial intelligence important to cryptocurrency. I would also personally want to know how important it is.
Well artificial intelligence could be of usefulness to the cryptocurrency market in so many ways like it could be used in the trading market, could also be used by Cryptocurrency project to handle issues.
Is I am to take analysis seriously and videos about the potential of artificial intelligence I have watched then it should be logical to say that artificial intelligence can predict the future price of a coin?
The decentralized finances sector,. Is a sector of Cryptocurrency that did not take off as many people would have excepted it to so I believe it's a great thing that Utopia p2p would get involved in it .
So guys have we all agreed to give the team so time and take a break from asking about the mobile application just yet. I think we are good with the desktop of the application for now.
Well this isn't the only platform where the Utopia p2p community can reach out to the team. Many people are still asking about the UTOPIA P2P mobile application on their telegram and twitter platform.
Well I support you on this mate, I see the creation of channels frequently as spamming and very much unnecessary when there are other channels already existing that are very similar.
I won't want to out a stereo type on Russians but the have the world best hackers, if I where to be in Russia I would up my security on my device and my private details, I believe more Russians should get involved in Utopia p2p.
KAMSI_UG;6108 wrote:CrytoCynthia;6103 wrote:I also feel we shouldn’t go on checking the past year but without the past we can not achieve a good future. We have to learn from out past so we won’t make such mistakes again. Well I believe the price would get better.
Yes you are right. The past is important especially in Cryptocurrency because before you make any move in the market you are meant to check out the market history of that coin first.
Well in terms of market history many coins do have good market history but they are still doing badly right now.
CRP Crypton has not had a bad market history although it's all time high is actually down history but it has shown great stability up till now.
Market history of a coin is not only checked to see how good a coin is doing this is also check how bad a coin would be. It generally helps people make decisions.
KAMSI_UG;5866 wrote:Well Last year of 2021 Utopia p2p released their plan for the year and in it there was a plan for the team to have a launch pad and we all know what a launchpad serves as. So yes Utopia p2p may sometimes in the future support defi .
Even if they didn't release a statement on what you pointed out since DeFi is something that has to do with decentralization which is something the UtopiaP2P developer team makes their top priority there's a huge chance for us to have DeFi on this project.
Yes mate I believe that's true, the decentralized features would attract Utopia p2p but how is defi different from cryptocurrency it self when cryptocurrency should be decentralized itself.
Guys let’s take a quick survey and actually find out which exchange is the best to deal on CRP Crypton through public opinion, so guys if you have used a good amount of those exchanges which exchange is the best.
Well I haven't used all the exchanges just yet but so far from the exchange I have used Crypton Exchange is my favorite and then I would say it has to be Lbank exchange, you would also like this exchange.
CrytoCynthia;5998 wrote:Detroit;5996 wrote:I really hate artificial intelligence (s). They are just taking over human's spots and positions in this world. But I think I'm glad that the Utopia community was able to help you generate whatever picture you are talking about.
Well the use of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT would get even more in the future, although we can talk about the negative side like people loosing there jobs there are still other benefits it would be giving out.
And if that is the case then many people would lose their jobs in the future because Artificial intelligence and chatGPT are taking over the use of human power in many various field.
This doesn't surprise me because many of the top pushers of a world with artificial intelligence and chatGPT are wealth men who are selfish business man that know they won't be affected in ghe lose of jobs.
IyaJJJ;5867 wrote:KingCRP;5812 wrote:I have also heard of stories that are a bit similar to such and mostly it’s just a some bunch of delusional comment. I understand that losing huge amounts of money can leave anyone in great denial and that’s the phase they are passing through right now.
I never heard about this story before but out of curiosity. How rich is the person that casino duped $3Million? I'm just like what was he thinking when he can diversify the fund into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Crypton coin (One million each)
You need to understand that some individuals get really greedy when it comes to gambling and that is why they lose such an amount of money. Always wanting more has landed many in a big financial crisis that they may never recover from. Gambling has made a lot of people rich but also has recked a lot too.
Yes you are right but I won't call it gread alone some also don't know when to stop or count their loss and leave, especially when the day js going bad for them. They still hold on to stupid fate and lose more.
I Don’t think is wise to cut of Stablecoin completely because a particular stablecoin failed, no it’s wrong. I have been using UUSD and I have not had any issues with it.
Well you won't blame most people many times when people discuss about cryptocurrency especially those without knowledge of it, they mostly try to put fear in themselves about the risk of cryptocurrency and now this is fueling such believes.
CrytoCynthia;5851 wrote:Safety in the cryptocurrency space has a lot to do with the holder of the coin and one of the major rule is that you must not keep your coin on an exchange as it is a very risky move. Not your wallet, not your coin.
How safe is a cryptocurrency enthusiast's investment in crypto started from what the investor chooses to learn the first time they wanted to join the crypto scheme because the real safety started from the coin the investor chooses then show to keep the wallet secure and never keep crypto on exchange for the long term.
Well I think what he meant is that no one is a dumby and that before you as an investor makes that move to invest in any cryptocurrency you must have done your own research about that coin you interested.
A very big congratulations to Barcelona, this is a very big win got the club and would be very useful in deciding who would be going home with the Spanish la Liga title this season.