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#2076 Re: General Discussion » Looking ahead to 2023 and 2024 » 2023-06-18 16:56:02

MRBEAST;14669 wrote:
Crpuss;14516 wrote:

Some of here has been holding CRP crypton since 2019, I am in the right position to speak on CRP crypton, this is a unique coin that I would be holding for an even longer time hopefully.

I think you are actually having something's mixed up because from my research in 2019 Utopia p2p came on board and then around 2020 or 2021 was when CRP crypton came about.

Well regardless I think the point is to say that there have been people here who has been holding CRP crypton since the inception of time.

#2077 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-06-18 16:54:58

CrytoCynthia;14681 wrote:
Dozie;14678 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;14651 wrote:

Yes that's true many people are fond of making the mistake of actually thinking the current Mobile application is the original one.

Well I don't mean to be to hasty to conclude but I would rather have the desktop version of UtopiaP2P application any day any time to any form of the mobile application.

That's why it's all about individual preference, there are some who does not like working off their laptop and they would rather prefer the flexibility of the mobile application.

It may no be about individual preference, I have a friend in the UtopiaP2P ecosystem who isn't his choice using the mobile application, he just does it because he has no other device.

#2078 Re: Questions and Help » Question about Ai » 2023-06-18 16:53:51

CrytoCynthia;14683 wrote:
Comrade;14556 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;14492 wrote:

The chatGPT service is mostly generated by artificial intelligence technology meaning it's programmed yes there are likelyhood that scammers can actually get hold of the programming.

Hmmm! Its such an amusing questions, i think the chatGPT developer should be aware of such possiblities, and  develop classes of classified fields that is off the users needs

There is no one chatGPT developer this service is a free service that is generated by artificial intelligence so it's actually a program and if it can be hacked then there is big problems.

Well we should understand that everything is under the reach of hackers and scammers that said I believe we just enjoy the chatGPT service.

#2079 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-18 16:52:49

CrytoCynthia;14680 wrote:
Dozie;14673 wrote:

Guys lets put this matter to rest has anyone who lost their cryptocurrency fund here ever got their funds recovered by any agency that doesn't have to do with the FBI.

Well personally I have not and I have not heard of anyone who would come out and say that they got their lost coin recoverd so it's super hard.

It would be safe to say that no one has successfully recovered their coin when it was stolen this is the reality for me

#2080 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-06-18 12:11:46

JONSNOWING;14598 wrote:

Karim benzema would now be earning more than Messi in terms of normal salary but in terms of deals and package Messi would be earning more than him

Yes that's the power of the Arabians, I think they want to actually buy over top players to their league and it's very possible.

#2081 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-06-18 12:10:40

JONSNOWING;14579 wrote:

Maybe the comparison might be in the direction of the Desktop app and the beta version of the mobile application. But is there any difference between the mobile app and the Beta version of the mobile app

Well I think it would be best understand what UtopiaP2P currently have and that's the desktop application and the mobile application.

#2082 Re: General Discussion » Anonymity of utopia ecosystem » 2023-06-18 12:09:36

IyaJJJ;14586 wrote:
level;14585 wrote:
IyaJJJ;14584 wrote:

Some Meme coins are frequently in demand because of their entertaining and fun qualities, which appeal to younger and less experienced cryptocurrency investors looking for something less serious than traditional cryptocurrencies.

It's important to remember that investing in meme coins can be very very risky because they are frequently extremely volatile, speculative, and useless in the real world.

Before purchasing these coins, it is essential to conduct careful research, consult a professional, and be aware of the risks or stay away from them and go for reputable coins like BTC, CRP, ETH, etc.

Well yes you have to always consider all factor before you invest in any cryptocurrency well I think Bitcoin may be an exception.

#2083 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-18 12:08:25

Europ;14588 wrote:
crpuusd;14541 wrote:
Detroit;14508 wrote:

I do not think so mate. PMs and the prevention of posting unrelated links have no reason for security.  If anyone is here and has not learned one or two things about how scammers operate then they should not be here. Also,  PMs are important for socialization.

Transparency is the key to trust, if the PM wasn't considered then we should  all try to understand that its might be one of the policy for Utopia p2p ecosystem.

So as the Utopia preserve if quality to people such as much that new comers

Definitely every new comer would find UtopiaP2P amazing, it's actually very easy to understand and the utilities are amazing.

#2084 Re: General Discussion » What are the benefits of keeping our investment in real life » 2023-06-18 12:07:19

Well the beginning and end of benefits of investment is to make profits that's why majority of people actually invest.

#2085 Re: General Discussion » Why you should use Crypton coin » 2023-06-17 17:32:33

KingCRP;14450 wrote:
Dozie;14353 wrote:
KingCRP;14322 wrote:

Well for now the team aren't visually active here that's to say they aren't showing any signs that they are available but I have a feeling that they are actually watching us.

Well the fourm is opened for us to share knowledge and interaction amongst ourselves I believe the team would at a point get involved but for now they are just watching

This is the reason why we have a forum, it would help everyone get interactive and also get and give knowledge to other also there are other benefits from having or being part of an exchange.

Well the forum is also a good chance and opportunity for the team to actually relate with their community.

#2086 Re: Channels and Groups » The forum special board » 2023-06-17 17:31:33

MRBEAST;14458 wrote:

Well as we are seeing right now the forum is growing very fast and it's a good thing but I think we need a forum board now more than ever because many newbies would need orientation and they can get it from the forum board.

Well this is just the beginning I see the forum growing even further in the coming future so let's keep doing what we do.

#2087 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-06-17 17:28:25

MRBEAST;14462 wrote:
Kelechi;14444 wrote:
Vastextension;14404 wrote:

Nonetheless, both desktop and mobile apps are convenient and valuable tools, each with its own set of benefits and features depending on the task at hand.

That's very correct they are very convenient and both has great advantage and also they do have their disadvantages as well so it's up to the individual.

Well for now the desktop version of the application has way more advantage than the mobile version of the application but I believe that when the mobile application comes out proper it would definitely have more utilities.

Well if you are the type that is always on the road I would advice that you also get the mobile version of the application.

#2088 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-06-17 17:26:08

I know this is off topic about what it's being discussed here so I would want to know if gambling is actually a recreational activities.

#2089 Re: General Discussion » Crypton in the next six month » 2023-06-17 17:24:19

CrytoCynthia;14463 wrote:

Well if you trying to use a mixer to transfer your crypto-currency without trace then I think you should actually do it the best we you can so that you don't get scammed

Well I heard a news about a very big and popular mixers getting the Hammer, I think their are lots of controversies that are attached to mixers.

#2090 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-06-17 14:53:34

A lot of transfer news, rumors and speculations but it's now confirmed that real Madrid has signed Jude Bellingham from Dortmund to the club.

#2091 Re: Channels and Groups » Service Group » 2023-06-17 14:52:34

Europ;14313 wrote:
Lanistergame2;14285 wrote:
KingCRP;14266 wrote:

Guys do you actually think Utopia p2p would let another project to organize a service here on this forum? I actually doubt of that would ever happen, because this is a forum for UtopiaP2P.

This is very possible. It can also be limited to projects like mixers and casinos which are not related to what utopia does at the moment. These ads can be paid for and would serve as an alternative means of generating revenue for the forum.
Users can also advertise different projects.

Well with no disregard, such shouldn't be expected or probably 'maybe' it can be considered in the future. Maybe we should try to compare Utopia p2p ecosystem to other forum or platform. Utopia is great in whichever way.

Well if you meant comparing this forum uTalk to other forum I think it's actually wrong because this forum is still at it's development stage.

#2092 Re: General Discussion » Crypton (CRP) price » 2023-06-17 14:51:22

KAMSI_UG;14160 wrote:
KingCRP;14145 wrote:
Kelechi;14110 wrote:

Guys do you believe that CRP crypton can reach an amazing figure of $2 or this figure would be unachievable.

Well yes I think that CRP crypton can actually reach $2 at the end of this year but that depends on if we see a bull run before the end of next year, if that happens then it is very possible.

Well even if we have a Bull run right now it would still take some time before the price of CRP crypton actually reach a that figure

All this aren't important to any long term investor I believe that's the best way to invest you would be so bothered.

#2093 Re: General Discussion » mobile app. When? » 2023-06-17 14:50:20

Vastextension;14404 wrote:
thrive;14403 wrote:
oba;14402 wrote:

Using a desktop for long durations does not cause discomfort on the eyes or neck which is common with holding a mobile device for extended periods.

People prefer desktop applications to mobile apps because of benefits such as larger screens, multitasking, ease of typing, more storage capacity, performance, and comfort.

Nonetheless, both desktop and mobile apps are convenient and valuable tools, each with its own set of benefits and features depending on the task at hand.

That's very correct they are very convenient and both has great advantage and also they do have their disadvantages as well so it's up to the individual.

#2094 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-06-17 14:49:15

KAMSI_UG;14438 wrote:
gap;14437 wrote:

What i enjoy outside crypto or Utopia is a rest of mind, since my Crypton is in safe hands...

Well I don't consider Utopia p2p is after our mind, LOL but really what do you enjoy doing outside cryptocurrency was the question.

I do know why people think cryptocurrency is hard work, well yes it is but I believe we should develop more passion for it as it would be very helpful.

#2095 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-06-16 20:38:31

CrytoCynthia;14299 wrote:

Everyone at Manchester city would be very scared now as the guys from Suadi Arabia are looking at getting some players from that team and they know how to tempt players.

Not only Manchester city every team that has solid player that are interested in money should really be worried

#2096 Re: General Discussion » Why does Utopia work with scam projects? » 2023-06-16 20:37:26

Europ;14300 wrote:
Comrade;14268 wrote:
JONSNOWING;14259 wrote:

Individual intentions varies, some persons are sticking with the Decentralized ecosystem to convert their illegitimate money to Crypto coins for their own selfish security

Its all occur to every crypto currency in the decentralized system. As Utopia p2p ecosystem is concerned, it a growing firm which as a high values of creating a different world

Crypto currency has been taken in such quality of "What's good for the Goose is also good for the Gander"  some might not like the opinion of stacking money around so they find crypto as a hide out.

Crypto-currency is an ecosystem that is concerned about giving the humans the financial decentralization we need but the government are against this.

#2097 Re: Channels and Groups » Service Group » 2023-06-16 20:34:11

Lanistergame2;14285 wrote:
KingCRP;14266 wrote:

Guys do you actually think Utopia p2p would let another project to organize a service here on this forum? I actually doubt of that would ever happen, because this is a forum for UtopiaP2P.

This is very possible. It can also be limited to projects like mixers and casinos which are not related to what utopia does at the moment. These ads can be paid for and would serve as an alternative means of generating revenue for the forum.
Users can also advertise different projects.

Yes mate there are many project platforms that would be looking to run some service program here but the issue here is that the forum would need traffic.

#2098 Re: Questions and Help » what happens if CRP is lost » 2023-06-16 20:32:43

CrytoCynthia;14297 wrote:
MRBEAST;14282 wrote:
full;14264 wrote:

Yes, a thick skin is needed whenever the critic shoots their dishonest weapon because their purpose was the other side of the person they criticize making the person beg, or cry.

Well the critics are really harsh and to be able to survive you must learn how to select the useful information you can get fr criticism and then make good of that information.

I think newbies should not be afraid of critics because that's really how to learn, I have been through that myself and I have learnt a lot regardless of how harsh the statement.

Many newbies are actually scared of doing the right thing or doing their research so the critics is the least problem they are facing right now.

#2099 Re: Channels and Groups » Let's have a sport board » 2023-06-16 17:25:48

One big deal this year has to be ngolo Kanye, he has just passed his first medical that would take him to Saudi Arabia this is very amazing as he would be earning $100,000,000

#2100 Re: Questions and Help » Question about Ai » 2023-06-16 17:24:20

Well guys do you think the use of chatGPT service in the future can be Intercepted by scammers and hackers in the near future.

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