Official forum for Utopia Community
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I registered today and I didn't experience such thing as captcha, although it made it stress free for me I don't mind the inclusion of a captcha because in the bigger picture it can protect everyone of us in this group.
The subreddit in the subject could be from the Utopia p2p dev team but that's the most important now. What's important is the growth and more traffic of the ecosystem once this is achieved others things can follow
Very correct mate and I agree with you but in other to grow the ecosystem the team needs to also focus on social media, am not saying particularly Reddit but the team can continue to build it's telegram, and twitter groups.
The p2p market seem to be the most sort after market because of the regulation faced from using Centralized exchange. I think the best and most secured option in the p2p market is Utopia p2p.
The Utopia's application has channels for other languages, and also the option for quick creation of channels so a member of a particular language can create one and be translating articles from English into there.
This is a new year 2023 although I must acknowledge that last year was great for CRP and getting accepted by that amount of merchant is a big win, also would there be more merchant accepting CRP soon?
So far CRP Crypton is accepted by 1800+ merchant that's huge and there is a possibility that anything you need can be a service one of this many merchant offers, except you having regional issue I think this number of merchant is great.
If there would be a channel for writers, what would be the the prerequisites for anyone to be considered a writer and also what are the main topic for writing, really all this should be considered to avoid much spamming.
When you mean special board do you mean uTalk forum discussion board? If so I actually support that idea. The forum need such and it can be like a go to place for everyone who need more insight about the forum or any new development.
JONSNOWING;2501 wrote:I have been searching already for a sport board since I came in here it's kind of strange that there is no sport board yet on the forum it would be nice having such board were we can discuss other things like sports on it.
If the sports channel (Football) on the Utopia app client has gained much attention from people I don't know we will need a sports board on this forum since the traffic on the Utopia app client is more than this channel instead sports board it is better to have a gambling discussion board.
Well you have a point but don't you think we can at least try, I think sport discuss and gambling can be a good form of entertainment on this forum and also can lead the team to make a move on probably creating a gambling platform.
Do your own research, scammers mostly like decentralized and privacy coins and projects, it doesn’t mean that the privacy coin or decentralized project is a scam. Utopia and all of its features are legitimate and there is no scam involved in them, if scam websites accept crypton or use CRP, then there is nothing utopia can do, the user has to do their own research before using any website.
In cryptocurrency it's always the first thing to do your own research, Utopia p2p can always do their possible best to protect it's community from scams but that doesn't mean we should not put in our own level of research in seeing we don't get scammed.
I have been searching already for a sport board since I came in here it's kind of strange that there is no sport board yet on the forum it would be nice having such board were we can discuss other things like sports on it.