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#1 2024-01-02 22:05:56

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 42

UAM 1.2.701 (Utopia Alternative Miner) - security and mining stability

Important update for all Utopia mining nodes operators.

A new version of UAM (Utopia Alternative Miner) 1.2.701 contains stability and security fixes.

In this updated version, we've ensured swifter integration of new peers into the network, leading to a more consistent and predictable mining process. Furthermore, we've enhanced our system with DoS protection to guard against various types of attacks that could potentially decrease network performance or increase traffic utilization for users.

All miners participating are strongly advised to update UAM software on their servers to the latest version as soon as possible to ensure proper functioning of the network. Please complete the update to avoid mining process interruption. The minimal required version for mining will be increased to 1.2.701 on 16th of January, 2024.

Linux (RPM)
https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … x86_64.rpm

Linux (DEB)
https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … _amd64.deb

Best Regards,
1984 Group Team


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