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My utopia client works as-is behind my double-nat. I typically see 15 connected hosts. Question #1: is this low number normal? (I'm on fiber so I'm used to seeing hundreds in other p2p/f2f systems.)
I have uPNP enabled in the network preferences but I actually don't see any evidence of it on my inner router. Question #2: Assuming that it is there and I just missed it, is there a specific port or ports I should/could open on my outer gateway router?
15 an adequate number of connections. UPnP will only work on incoming connections, while this is not the case, you will not notice port forwarding.
Thank you
Just to clarify, do you mean double nat as first NAT at your Service Provider, usually called CGNAT and then the second NAT in your own router, which also acts as UPNP?
It should only work OK if the CGNAT blocks only on the lower TACP poarts (under 1000) and leaves the higher ones permanently open. In this case you will have effectively a single NAT situation.
UPNP feature in the router is more important, most come default enabled but some are disabled ny default and must be enabled for the UAM to work.
Pages: 1