
Official forum for Utopia Community

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#1 2022-01-21 19:23:48

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 39

UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

Dear Utopia Community,

Utopia Miner software update is available.

UAM (Utopia Alternative Miner) 1.1.355 contains important network stability updates.

Please update your mining bots to avoid mining process interruption. The minimal required version for mining will been increased to 1.1.355 on 28th of January, 2022.

Linux (RPM)
https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … x86_64.rpm

Linux (DEB)
https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … _amd64.deb

Best Regards,
1984 Group Team


#2 2022-01-22 10:48:18

Registered: 2021-11-11
Posts: 22

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

It doesn't seem to work. Left it overnight and it didn't turn active even with enough connections. No rewards either


#3 2022-01-22 11:26:06

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 39

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

This version has much more strict requirements to ip connectivity and bandwidth stability but has implemented a new PSR feature to save up to 10x of traffic. To use this feature, 95% of the network should support the PSR. As soon as the network is widely upgraded with the newest version of the bot, the bandwidth utilization for both client and UAM will be lowered several times providing traffic economy.

Right now only 1% of the network is upgraded. On 28th of January, 2022 all non-upgraded bots will stop mining.


#4 2022-01-22 12:21:25

Registered: 2021-11-11
Posts: 22

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

So theoretically if i was able to mine before after the whole network upgrades i should be able to mine as well or i shall give up all hopes?


#5 2022-01-22 15:27:35

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 39

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

If you have decent hardware, stable network and enough bandwidth for current network needs then no issues are expected.


#6 2022-01-22 16:45:01

Registered: 2021-11-11
Posts: 22

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

Thanks for the replies. Finger crossed


#7 2022-01-23 04:26:03

Registered: 2021-12-10
Posts: 316

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

1984;1462 wrote:

Dear Utopia Community,

Utopia Miner software update is available.

UAM (Utopia Alternative Miner) 1.1.355 contains important network stability updates.

Please update your mining bots to avoid mining process interruption. The minimal required version for mining will been increased to 1.1.355 on 28th of January, 2022.

On my Linux (Xubuntu) Utopia as a window is very laggy and sometimes it is not possible to use this messenger. And it lags a lot for some reason. Where can I address this problem?


#8 2022-01-23 13:42:32

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 39

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

Cromanes;1469 wrote:

On my Linux (Xubuntu) Utopia as a window is very laggy and sometimes it is not possible to use this messenger. And it lags a lot for some reason. Where can I address this problem?



#9 2022-01-24 15:53:19

Registered: 2022-01-24
Posts: 1

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

I use uam 1.1.355 to mine for hours, but it still shows inactive. What happened?


#10 2022-01-25 10:55:04

Registered: 2022-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)


I have the same problem. Hours mining and it doesn't work. I think the problem is the high bandwidth needed. I have only 2 miners working and it uses more than 100mbps. So it is not profitable to mine CRP.

Another problem I think is not being able to define the use of hardware, for example, I have a server with 128gb that I would like to use, but I don't know how to force it to use more ram or cpu.

I don't think I will continue mining CRP with this profitability.



#11 2022-01-25 13:02:31

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 39

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

I have only 2 miners working and it uses more than 100mbps. So it is not profitable to mine CRP.

Try to run only one instance and report back if the mining process is successfull. Possible your resources are getting bottlenecked to one or more race conditions (hdd i/o, network stability and latency, bandwidth, cpu affinity etc).

Please note that the successfull block processing log record in UAM means that the miner technically completed the mining process. The final decision on quality of the produced work is controlled by network consensus that is out of control of 1984 Group or your UAM node. Depending on the decision your work is accepted or not.

If Utopians want their messages and payments delivered fast, the bullet-proof distributed video and file hosting platform that feature equals to analogs owned by corporations, the consensus standard should be strict with no exceptions. Miners who shape their bandwidth to get more bots running to get more Cryptons have no future because they do not provide a space for the ecosystem growth.


#12 2022-01-25 13:14:17

Registered: 2022-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

Yes, with only one miner it works.

Because of my work I have a lot of quality hardware that I can use to mine, but the bandwidth requirements are the big issue.

Until now I've booted my miners across a variety of hardware and communications. So mining is effective.

I understand that if the resources have a bottleneck, the reward goes down, but that is one thing and another is to have zero reward.

I don't know how I can exploit my hardware to mine more, or if Utopia is interested in having more miners.

Thanks a lot


#13 2022-01-25 20:00:17

Registered: 2021-11-11
Posts: 22

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

As i (we) don't really know as the network should first switch to the new miner to draw conclusions: i would say setting the requirements so high as to cut-off small miners is not the best course of action imho. If you want to encourage higher quality nodes it would be better to add some segmentation to the rewards/miners. So you have a lower entry bar with consequently lower rewards. Otherwise it encourage centralization of the network to big miners renting only VPS servers.


#14 2022-01-26 11:10:01

Registered: 2022-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)


I love the philosophy of Utopia, but with these changes it's impossible to mine. It is simply not profitable to dedicate 100mbps to a bot that only rents 3 or 4 dollars a month. That a single bot opens 20.000 or 30.000 network connections is a lot.

There are also no clear requirements regarding the bandwidth (latency and numbers of connectios) necessary for a bot to work properly. It also cannot be parameterized to force the use of more bandwidth or memory to contribute more to the utopia network with guarantees.

I understand that the architecture of utopia forces to meet these requirements for its stability, but it is a big problem to mine with a minimum profit.

I can only think that utopia is not interested in having many miners o crear mas CRP, although I do not understand cryptocurrency markets.

As much as it hurts me I have to stop mining CRP.



#15 2022-01-28 12:39:48

Registered: 2022-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)


Today I have to eat my words.

With the new changes the bandwidth has been reduced a lot and the miners work even better than before.

Thank you so much


#16 2022-01-31 11:22:58

Registered: 2022-01-31
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

Official links https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … _amd64.deb give Utopia miner 1.1-352
When installed and /opt/uam/uam --version it still give 1.1.193

Thus, miner stuck, any ideas?


#17 2022-01-31 14:12:42

Registered: 2022-01-31
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

jcarenillas;1494 wrote:


Today I have to eat my words.

With the new changes the bandwidth has been reduced a lot and the miners work even better than before.

Thank you so much

i'm still waiting for that, from my side, a lot of traffic, 0 processed block for a while...


#18 2022-01-31 21:28:27

Registered: 2022-01-31
Posts: 4

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

no more rewards on my miners since update even with 40msec latency, 150mg/sec download and 25mg/sec upload. What's is happening?


#19 2022-02-05 17:42:07

Registered: 2022-02-05
Posts: 1

Re: UAM 1.1.355 (Utopia Alternative Miner)

I buying new hardware this month. I will give you an example. 2x Xeon Platinum 8176M, 768Gb DDR4 Memory 1+1TB Nvme 10Gbit bw. I created a farm. 1 server to  100miner 4core, 6gb memory. 500 miner of them are online. total bw usage 3 - 3.5 gbit(in/out).

We did not make any restrictions on hardware and BW for the future of this project, but we were unable to pay the costs.

We've been experimenting for days, trying to understand the problem. we couldn't find? We did not cut back on resources, on the contrary, we opened up resources. I can open even 30gbit, but we cannot use it. Is it right to restrict miners like us?

what exactly is the problem? We look forward to more details. If you leave us in the dark it will harm the project.

1984;1482 wrote:

I have only 2 miners working and it uses more than 100mbps. So it is not profitable to mine CRP.

Try to run only one instance and report back if the mining process is successfull. Possible your resources are getting bottlenecked to one or more race conditions (hdd i/o, network stability and latency, bandwidth, cpu affinity etc).

Please note that the successfull block processing log record in UAM means that the miner technically completed the mining process. The final decision on quality of the produced work is controlled by network consensus that is out of control of 1984 Group or your UAM node. Depending on the decision your work is accepted or not.

If Utopians want their messages and payments delivered fast, the bullet-proof distributed video and file hosting platform that feature equals to analogs owned by corporations, the consensus standard should be strict with no exceptions. Miners who shape their bandwidth to get more bots running to get more Cryptons have no future because they do not provide a space for the ecosystem growth.


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