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#1 2024-05-15 13:52:40

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 42

UAM 1.3.333 (Utopia Alternative Miner) [CANCELLED]

Release of UAM 1.3.333 cancelled.

Upgrade to UAM 1.3.337 instead. Follow the URL for more details

Important update for all Utopia mining nodes operators.

A new version of UAM (Utopia Alternative Miner) 1.3.333 contains stability fixes.

Optimizations and bug fixes were aimed at improving the performance of the NTP precise time detection mechanism, which in some cases led to the miner's operation stopping. Please pay attention to the necessity of maintaining accurate time settings on your servers throughout the operation of UAM.

All miners participating are strongly advised to update UAM software on their servers to the latest version as soon as possible to ensure proper functioning of the network. Please complete the update to avoid mining process interruption. The minimal required version for mining will be increased to 1.3.333 on 23th of May, 2024.

Best Regards,
1984 Group Team


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