
Official forum for Utopia Community

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#1 2022-01-16 14:01:13

Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 108

Media Raid community channel

Channel ID: 1A9DEEE9D2ED991EA28A6773FF121974

Welcome to the Media Raid channel!

Here we have a community of interested and not indifferent to the future of the utopia ecosystem and the price of the main CRP coin in particular. Our community may be small, but it is mature and understands that there is no smoke without fire (nothing can happen from scratch).

We also all understand that the main goal of the Utopia ecosystem PR team is to expand the community. Only with the expansion of the community will there be an expansion of the network's functionality, and after that, an increase in the price of what many of us have gathered here for - the main coin of the network, CRP.

I suggest that we organize and assist them in this as much as possible, especially since history already knows examples when an organized community has achieved tremendous success (yes, we are talking about wallstreetbets and GameStop shares).

This channel will publish subpoenas with tasks that require minimal effort from everyone. This can be either a comment on a social network (from an anonymous page, the use of personal media resources exclusively at will) in order to force a certain person or company to pay attention to the ecosystem, or any other that can lead to the creation of an informational occasion. Of course, detailed instructions will be given for tasks more complicated than the usual comment.

The execution of tasks is voluntary. I publish on the channel, whether to do it or not, you decide for yourself. No one will ever demand any reports.

There is also a chat lobby of the movement, where you can discuss anything, make rational suggestions. If you find interesting material, you have an interesting plan and you think it needs to be worked out - write to me in private messages, we will put it on the agenda of the main channel.

IMPORTANT: The main language of the chat lobby is English, but other languages are not prohibited. Please, if you are conducting a dialogue in your native language, quote the messages (reply with quote) to whom you are responding, or mark his nickname with the "@" symbol, so that users who do not know your language do not experience discomfort. Any messages in native languages that do not comply with these rules will be deleted. Remember, we speak different languages, but we have a common goal, so respect each other.

And remember, social processes are extremely inert. Instant results are rare!

Donate:  AF10 003E BC7B 7892
This will help me, as the organizer of the community and the main developer of tasks, not to lose motivation and to purchase the necessary resources for work, if there is a need.

Join us! We'll do everything in our power and interests!

for russian-speaking comrades:

Добро пожаловать на канал "Media Raid"!

Тут у нас сообщество заинтересованных и неравнодушных к будущему экосистемы утопия и цене основной монеты CRP в частности. Пусть наше комьюнити небольшое, но оно зрелое и понимающее, что дыма без огня не бывает (на пустом месте ничего не может произойти).

Так же все мы понимаем, что основная цель PR команды экосистемы утопия - расширение комьюнити. Только при расширении комьюнити будет происходить расширение функционала сети, а вслед за этим и рост в цене то, ради чего многие из нас тут собрались - основной монеты сети, CRP.

Предлагаю нам организоваться и оказать им в этом посильное содействие, тем более, что история уже знает примеры, когда организованное комьюнити добивалось колоссальных успехов (да-да, речь о wallstreetbets и акциях компании GameStop).

На данном канале будет публиковаться повестки с заданиями, которые требуют минимальных усилий от каждого. Это может быть как комментарий в соцсети (с анонимной страницы, задействование личных медиа-ресурсов исключительно по желанию), дабы заставить определённую личность или компанию обратить внимание на экосистему, так и любое другое, которое может привести к созданию информационного повода. Разумеется, для задач сложнее обычного комментария будут даны подробные инструкции.

выполнение задач добровольное. Я публикую на канале, делать или нет, вы решаете сами. Никаких отчётов никто и никогда требовать не будет.

Так же действует чат-лобби движения, где можно обсудить что-либо, внести рациональные предложения. Если вы находите интересный материал, у вас есть интересный план и вы считаете, , что это нужно отработать - пишите мне в личные сообщения, вынесем на повестку основного канала.

ВАЖНО: основной язык чат-лобби - английский, но другие языки не запрещены. Просьба, если вы ведёте диалог на своём нативном языке, квотировать сообщения (reply with quote), кому вы отвечаете, или помечать его ник через символ "@", дабы пользователи, не знающие вашего языка, не испытывали дискомфорта. Любые сообщения на нативных языках, не отвечающие данным правилам, будут удаляться. Мы говорим на разных языках, но у нас общая цель, и языковой барьер не должен быть предметом споров.

И помните, социальные процессы крайне инертны. Моментальные результаты бывают редко!

Поддержать движение:   AF10 003E BC7B 7892
Это поможет мне, как организатору движения и основному разработчику заданий, не терять мотивацию и закупать необходимые ресурсы для работы, если в этом будет нужда.


FD3C88530ED1EF2D7107A99EE26C3F17 - Media Raid Chat Lobby/Чат-канал комьюнити.

Last edited by Makedonskiy (2022-01-16 14:02:19)


#2 2022-01-16 14:02:28

Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 108

Re: Media Raid community channel



#3 2022-01-23 04:31:39

Registered: 2021-12-10
Posts: 316

Re: Media Raid community channel

Makedonskiy;1456 wrote:


Интересно от сюда кто-нибудь приходит?


#4 2022-01-25 17:53:00

Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 68

Re: Media Raid community channel

This group and its goals remain active, thank you Makedonskiy for your efforts!

"Honour Above Greed" -TheMerchant


#5 2022-01-25 18:28:32

Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 108

Re: Media Raid community channel

TheMerchant;1486 wrote:

This group and its goals remain active, thank you Makedonskiy for your efforts!

thank you for your kind words. We are trying!


#6 2022-02-13 14:41:58

Registered: 2021-12-10
Posts: 316

Re: Media Raid community channel

Makedonskiy;1456 wrote:

<p>Channel ID: 1A9DEEE9D2ED991EA28A6773FF121974<br /><a href="https://utopia.im/1A9DEEE9D2ED991EA28A6773FF121974" rel="nofollow">https://utopia.im/1A9DEEE9D2ED991EA28A6773FF121974</a></p><p>Welcome to the Media Raid channel!</p><p>Here we have a community of interested and not indifferent to the future of the utopia ecosystem and the price of the main CRP coin in particular. Our community may be small, but it is mature and understands that there is no smoke without fire (nothing can happen from scratch).</p><p>We also all understand that the main goal of the Utopia ecosystem PR team is to expand the community. Only with the expansion of the community will there be an expansion of the network&#039;s functionality, and after that, an increase in the price of what many of us have gathered here for - the main coin of the network, CRP.</p><p>I suggest that we organize and assist them in this as much as possible, especially since history already knows examples when an organized community has achieved tremendous success (yes, we are talking about wallstreetbets and GameStop shares).</p><p>This channel will publish subpoenas with tasks that require minimal effort from everyone. This can be either a comment on a social network (from an anonymous page, the use of personal media resources exclusively at will) in order to force a certain person or company to pay attention to the ecosystem, or any other that can lead to the creation of an informational occasion. Of course, detailed instructions will be given for tasks more complicated than the usual comment. </p><p>The execution of tasks is voluntary. I publish on the channel, whether to do it or not, you decide for yourself. No one will ever demand any reports.</p><p>There is also a chat lobby of the movement, where you can discuss anything, make rational suggestions. If you find interesting material, you have an interesting plan and you think it needs to be worked out - write to me in private messages, we will put it on the agenda of the main channel.</p><p>IMPORTANT: The main language of the chat lobby is English, but other languages are not prohibited. Please, if you are conducting a dialogue in your native language, quote the messages (reply with quote) to whom you are responding, or mark his nickname with the &quot;@&quot; symbol, so that users who do not know your language do not experience discomfort. Any messages in native languages that do not comply with these rules will be deleted. Remember, we speak different languages, but we have a common goal, so respect each other. </p><p>And remember, social processes are extremely inert. Instant results are rare!</p><p>Donate:&#160; AF10 003E BC7B 7892<br />This will help me, as the organizer of the community and the main developer of tasks, not to lose motivation and to purchase the necessary resources for work, if there is a need.</p><p>Join us! We&#039;ll do everything in our power and interests!</p><p>****************************************************************************************************<br />for russian-speaking comrades:</p><p>Добро пожаловать на канал &quot;Media Raid&quot;! </p><p>Тут у нас сообщество заинтересованных и неравнодушных к будущему экосистемы утопия и цене основной монеты CRP в частности. Пусть наше комьюнити небольшое, но оно зрелое и понимающее, что дыма без огня не бывает (на пустом месте ничего не может произойти).</p><p>Так же все мы понимаем, что основная цель PR команды экосистемы утопия - расширение комьюнити. Только при расширении комьюнити будет происходить расширение функционала сети, а вслед за этим и рост в цене то, ради чего многие из нас тут собрались - основной монеты сети, CRP.</p><p>Предлагаю нам организоваться и оказать им в этом посильное содействие, тем более, что история уже знает примеры, когда организованное комьюнити добивалось колоссальных успехов (да-да, речь о wallstreetbets и акциях компании GameStop).</p><p>На данном канале будет публиковаться повестки с заданиями, которые требуют минимальных усилий от каждого. Это может быть как комментарий в соцсети (с анонимной страницы, задействование личных медиа-ресурсов исключительно по желанию), дабы заставить определённую личность или компанию обратить внимание на экосистему, так и любое другое, которое может привести к созданию информационного повода. Разумеется, для задач сложнее обычного комментария будут даны подробные инструкции.</p><p>выполнение задач добровольное. Я публикую на канале, делать или нет, вы решаете сами. Никаких отчётов никто и никогда требовать не будет.</p><p>Так же действует чат-лобби движения, где можно обсудить что-либо, внести рациональные предложения. Если вы находите интересный материал, у вас есть интересный план и вы считаете, , что это нужно отработать - пишите мне в личные сообщения, вынесем на повестку основного канала. </p><p>ВАЖНО: основной язык чат-лобби - английский, но другие языки не запрещены. Просьба, если вы ведёте диалог на своём нативном языке, квотировать сообщения (reply with quote), кому вы отвечаете, или помечать его ник через символ &quot;@&quot;, дабы пользователи, не знающие вашего языка, не испытывали дискомфорта. Любые сообщения на нативных языках, не отвечающие данным правилам, будут удаляться. Мы говорим на разных языках, но у нас общая цель, и языковой барьер не должен быть предметом споров.</p><p>И помните, социальные процессы крайне инертны. Моментальные результаты бывают редко!</p><p>Поддержать движение:&#160; &#160;AF10 003E BC7B 7892<br />Это поможет мне, как организатору движения и основному разработчику заданий, не терять мотивацию и закупать необходимые ресурсы для работы, если в этом будет нужда.</p><p>Присоединяйтесь! </p><p>FD3C88530ED1EF2D7107A99EE26C3F17 - Media Raid Chat Lobby/Чат-канал комьюнити.</p>

Что-то я сомневаюсь что пример в GameStop лучший пример, так как это было сделанно для определённой дикой шутки от которой получили жесткий лив тех кто вложился в это.))

Something I doubt that the example in GameStop the best example, as it was made for a certain wild joke from which received a hard lion of those who have invested in it.))


#7 2023-05-29 23:16:39

From: Utopia App Client
Registered: 2022-12-30
Posts: 2,373

Re: Media Raid community channel

Makedonskiy;1456 wrote:

Channel ID: 1A9DEEE9D2ED991EA28A6773FF121974

Welcome to the Media Raid channel!

Here we have a community of interested and not indifferent to the future of the utopia ecosystem and the price of the main CRP coin in particular. Our community may be small, but it is mature and understands that there is no smoke without fire (nothing can happen from scratch).

We also all understand that the main goal of the Utopia ecosystem PR team is to expand the community. Only with the expansion of the community will there be an expansion of the network's functionality, and after that, an increase in the price of what many of us have gathered here for - the main coin of the network, CRP.

I suggest that we organize and assist them in this as much as possible, especially since history already knows examples when an organized community has achieved tremendous success (yes, we are talking about wallstreetbets and GameStop shares).

This channel will publish subpoenas with tasks that require minimal effort from everyone. This can be either a comment on a social network (from an anonymous page, the use of personal media resources exclusively at will) in order to force a certain person or company to pay attention to the ecosystem, or any other that can lead to the creation of an informational occasion. Of course, detailed instructions will be given for tasks more complicated than the usual comment.

The execution of tasks is voluntary. I publish on the channel, whether to do it or not, you decide for yourself. No one will ever demand any reports.

There is also a chat lobby of the movement, where you can discuss anything, make rational suggestions. If you find interesting material, you have an interesting plan and you think it needs to be worked out - write to me in private messages, we will put it on the agenda of the main channel.

IMPORTANT: The main language of the chat lobby is English, but other languages are not prohibited. Please, if you are conducting a dialogue in your native language, quote the messages (reply with quote) to whom you are responding, or mark his nickname with the "@" symbol, so that users who do not know your language do not experience discomfort. Any messages in native languages that do not comply with these rules will be deleted. Remember, we speak different languages, but we have a common goal, so respect each other.

And remember, social processes are extremely inert. Instant results are rare!

Donate:  AF10 003E BC7B 7892
This will help me, as the organizer of the community and the main developer of tasks, not to lose motivation and to purchase the necessary resources for work, if there is a need.

Join us! We'll do everything in our power and interests!

for russian-speaking comrades:

Добро пожаловать на канал "Media Raid"!

Тут у нас сообщество заинтересованных и неравнодушных к будущему экосистемы утопия и цене основной монеты CRP в частности. Пусть наше комьюнити небольшое, но оно зрелое и понимающее, что дыма без огня не бывает (на пустом месте ничего не может произойти).

Так же все мы понимаем, что основная цель PR команды экосистемы утопия - расширение комьюнити. Только при расширении комьюнити будет происходить расширение функционала сети, а вслед за этим и рост в цене то, ради чего многие из нас тут собрались - основной монеты сети, CRP.

Предлагаю нам организоваться и оказать им в этом посильное содействие, тем более, что история уже знает примеры, когда организованное комьюнити добивалось колоссальных успехов (да-да, речь о wallstreetbets и акциях компании GameStop).

На данном канале будет публиковаться повестки с заданиями, которые требуют минимальных усилий от каждого. Это может быть как комментарий в соцсети (с анонимной страницы, задействование личных медиа-ресурсов исключительно по желанию), дабы заставить определённую личность или компанию обратить внимание на экосистему, так и любое другое, которое может привести к созданию информационного повода. Разумеется, для задач сложнее обычного комментария будут даны подробные инструкции.

выполнение задач добровольное. Я публикую на канале, делать или нет, вы решаете сами. Никаких отчётов никто и никогда требовать не будет.

Так же действует чат-лобби движения, где можно обсудить что-либо, внести рациональные предложения. Если вы находите интересный материал, у вас есть интересный план и вы считаете, , что это нужно отработать - пишите мне в личные сообщения, вынесем на повестку основного канала.

ВАЖНО: основной язык чат-лобби - английский, но другие языки не запрещены. Просьба, если вы ведёте диалог на своём нативном языке, квотировать сообщения (reply with quote), кому вы отвечаете, или помечать его ник через символ "@", дабы пользователи, не знающие вашего языка, не испытывали дискомфорта. Любые сообщения на нативных языках, не отвечающие данным правилам, будут удаляться. Мы говорим на разных языках, но у нас общая цель, и языковой барьер не должен быть предметом споров.

И помните, социальные процессы крайне инертны. Моментальные результаты бывают редко!

Поддержать движение:   AF10 003E BC7B 7892
Это поможет мне, как организатору движения и основному разработчику заданий, не терять мотивацию и закупать необходимые ресурсы для работы, если в этом будет нужда.


FD3C88530ED1EF2D7107A99EE26C3F17 - Media Raid Chat Lobby/Чат-канал комьюнити.

Я ценю.  случилось так, что великий океан, известный в современном мире, начался из источника, и теперь он распространился по всему земному шару, и никто не знает его источника.  Давайте пройдемся по платформе, так как есть больше возможностей для поддержки наших онлайн-сервисов и веб-сайта.


#8 2023-06-25 17:15:37

From: Blockchain
Registered: 2022-12-13
Posts: 2,399

Re: Media Raid community channel

Makedonskiy;1489 wrote:
TheMerchant;1486 wrote:

This group and its goals remain active, thank you Makedonskiy for your efforts!

thank you for your kind words. We are trying!

Your effort was actually acknowledge and quite innovative. Its been a concern that your channel was made active and i don't know how connect to that such wonderous informative channels and on the other side we have various questions from users awaiting to be answered so we suggest if you can actually see this you as well make your presence known


#9 2024-02-04 19:46:56

Registered: 2022-12-25
Posts: 2,420

Re: Media Raid community channel

What is  Media Raid community channel

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information about a "Media Raid community channel." It's possible that it's a community or channel that emerged after that date or it may be a niche or localized group. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend checking online platforms, social media, or relevant communities directly.

What is community channel

A community channel typically refers to a platform or space where people with common interests, goals, or affiliations come together to share and engage in discussions, content creation, or activities. This can take various forms, such as online forums, social media groups, or YouTube channels that focus on building a community around specific themes or topics. It provides a space for members to connect, share information, and participate in discussions related to their shared interests.


#10 2024-02-04 21:32:53

From: Blockchain
Registered: 2022-12-13
Posts: 2,399

Re: Media Raid community channel

There are possible channels which are created for people tp connected with each other to bring out a close services system and transaction value.


#11 2024-04-21 19:59:24

Registered: 2023-05-23
Posts: 2,186

Re: Media Raid community channel

The community can guarantee an updates in the news and development pf the utopia p2p project and programs. Their are best to intersect with the aim of putting everyone ones consideration or opinions on the look to acquire development and innovation techniques.


#12 2024-04-21 20:05:04

From: Blockchain
Registered: 2022-12-13
Posts: 2,399

Re: Media Raid community channel

You can be guide on how mine CRP, but it is a bit different than normal POW mining. You NEED a Linux VPS or Dedicated server with at least 4GB of RAM & Public IP Address. For some reason home connections don’t work (or at least mine didn’t). But if you have the resources to mine it, I’d encourage it! They have their own miner tool for this


#13 2024-04-21 20:12:59

Registered: 2023-06-14
Posts: 1,925

Re: Media Raid community channel

The community can also helps on their  opinions on every desire aspect of the system choosen, it a play for friendship and development while the utopia p2p strong objective remain top priority.


#14 2024-04-21 20:17:10

From: Utopia App Client
Registered: 2022-12-30
Posts: 2,373

Re: Media Raid community channel

In community with a quite numbers of crypto currency enthusiast you entails to get adequate updates on changes and revolutionary assets on the any subjected crypto like mining and trading.


#15 2024-04-21 23:26:29

Registered: 2022-12-25
Posts: 3,040

Re: Media Raid community channel

Comrade;33810 wrote:

In community with a quite numbers of crypto currency enthusiast you entails to get adequate updates on changes and revolutionary assets on the any subjected crypto like mining and trading.

Engaging with fellow enthusiasts in the community opens doors to networking opportunities, enabling individuals to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential collaborators.


#16 2024-04-21 23:27:19

Registered: 2022-11-19
Posts: 3,169

Re: Media Raid community channel

Kelechi;33852 wrote:
Comrade;33810 wrote:

In community with a quite numbers of crypto currency enthusiast you entails to get adequate updates on changes and revolutionary assets on the any subjected crypto like mining and trading.

Engaging with fellow enthusiasts in the community opens doors to networking opportunities, enabling individuals to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential collaborators.

You are right mate, In communities, members can seek support, guidance, and advice from more experienced individuals, whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, navigating investment decisions, or learning new skills.


#17 2024-04-21 23:28:16

Registered: 2022-12-26
Posts: 2,759

Re: Media Raid community channel

CrytoCynthia;33853 wrote:
Kelechi;33852 wrote:
Comrade;33810 wrote:

In community with a quite numbers of crypto currency enthusiast you entails to get adequate updates on changes and revolutionary assets on the any subjected crypto like mining and trading.

Engaging with fellow enthusiasts in the community opens doors to networking opportunities, enabling individuals to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential collaborators.

You are right mate, In communities, members can seek support, guidance, and advice from more experienced individuals, whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, navigating investment decisions, or learning new skills.

Generally, being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits, including access to information, networking opportunities, and support, which are invaluable for individuals looking to stay informed and engaged in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.


#18 2024-05-24 23:50:41

Registered: 2022-11-19
Posts: 2,680

Re: Media Raid community channel

KAMSI_UG;33854 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;33853 wrote:
Kelechi;33852 wrote:

Engaging with fellow enthusiasts in the community opens doors to networking opportunities, enabling individuals to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential collaborators.

You are right mate, In communities, members can seek support, guidance, and advice from more experienced individuals, whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, navigating investment decisions, or learning new skills.

Generally, being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits, including access to information, networking opportunities, and support, which are invaluable for individuals looking to stay informed and engaged in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits that extend beyond mere financial gains. These communities are virtual ecosystems where individuals can find educational resources, emotional support, and opportunities for professional growth.


#19 2024-05-24 23:54:29

Registered: 2023-01-04
Posts: 2,564

Re: Media Raid community channel

Vastextension;36147 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;33854 wrote:
CrytoCynthia;33853 wrote:

You are right mate, In communities, members can seek support, guidance, and advice from more experienced individuals, whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, navigating investment decisions, or learning new skills.

Generally, being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits, including access to information, networking opportunities, and support, which are invaluable for individuals looking to stay informed and engaged in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits that extend beyond mere financial gains. These communities are virtual ecosystems where individuals can find educational resources, emotional support, and opportunities for professional growth.

Cryptocurrency communities often serve as excellent educational platforms where members can immerse themselves in blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other emerging trends.


#20 2024-05-24 23:54:43

Registered: 2023-01-10
Posts: 3,811

Re: Media Raid community channel

thrive;36148 wrote:
Vastextension;36147 wrote:
KAMSI_UG;33854 wrote:

Generally, being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits, including access to information, networking opportunities, and support, which are invaluable for individuals looking to stay informed and engaged in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits that extend beyond mere financial gains. These communities are virtual ecosystems where individuals can find educational resources, emotional support, and opportunities for professional growth.

Cryptocurrency communities often serve as excellent educational platforms where members can immerse themselves in blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other emerging trends.

Through a mix of articles, tutorials, videos, and podcasts, these communities make it easy for both newcomers and seasoned investors to acquire and deepen their knowledge.


#21 2024-05-24 23:54:58

Registered: 2023-01-25
Posts: 2,072

Re: Media Raid community channel

joanna;36149 wrote:
thrive;36148 wrote:
Vastextension;36147 wrote:

Being part of a cryptocurrency community offers numerous benefits that extend beyond mere financial gains. These communities are virtual ecosystems where individuals can find educational resources, emotional support, and opportunities for professional growth.

Cryptocurrency communities often serve as excellent educational platforms where members can immerse themselves in blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other emerging trends.

Through a mix of articles, tutorials, videos, and podcasts, these communities make it easy for both newcomers and seasoned investors to acquire and deepen their knowledge.

Many communities have industry experts who regularly contribute their insights and experiences.


#22 2024-05-24 23:55:15

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 2,532

Re: Media Raid community channel

IyaJJJ;36150 wrote:
joanna;36149 wrote:
thrive;36148 wrote:

Cryptocurrency communities often serve as excellent educational platforms where members can immerse themselves in blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other emerging trends.

Through a mix of articles, tutorials, videos, and podcasts, these communities make it easy for both newcomers and seasoned investors to acquire and deepen their knowledge.

Many communities have industry experts who regularly contribute their insights and experiences.

Hmm. These experts can provide valuable perspectives on market trends, investment strategies, and technological advancements. Their expertise can help members make more informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.


#23 2024-05-24 23:55:31

Registered: 2023-01-19
Posts: 1,844

Re: Media Raid community channel

full;36151 wrote:
IyaJJJ;36150 wrote:
joanna;36149 wrote:

Through a mix of articles, tutorials, videos, and podcasts, these communities make it easy for both newcomers and seasoned investors to acquire and deepen their knowledge.

Many communities have industry experts who regularly contribute their insights and experiences.

Hmm. These experts can provide valuable perspectives on market trends, investment strategies, and technological advancements. Their expertise can help members make more informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

These communities frequently organize webinars, workshops, and local meetups that focus on various aspects of the cryptocurrency world.


#24 2024-05-24 23:55:46

Registered: 2022-11-19
Posts: 2,680

Re: Media Raid community channel

level;36152 wrote:
full;36151 wrote:
IyaJJJ;36150 wrote:

Many communities have industry experts who regularly contribute their insights and experiences.

Hmm. These experts can provide valuable perspectives on market trends, investment strategies, and technological advancements. Their expertise can help members make more informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

These communities frequently organize webinars, workshops, and local meetups that focus on various aspects of the cryptocurrency world.

These events provide direct access to experts, offering a more interactive form of learning where attendees can ask questions and engage in discussions.


#25 2024-05-24 23:56:02

Registered: 2023-01-04
Posts: 2,564

Re: Media Raid community channel

Vastextension;36153 wrote:
level;36152 wrote:
full;36151 wrote:

Hmm. These experts can provide valuable perspectives on market trends, investment strategies, and technological advancements. Their expertise can help members make more informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

These communities frequently organize webinars, workshops, and local meetups that focus on various aspects of the cryptocurrency world.

These events provide direct access to experts, offering a more interactive form of learning where attendees can ask questions and engage in discussions.

Being part of a cryptocurrency community facilitates networking with professionals from diverse fields such as finance, technology, and law.


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