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#1 2025-02-17 15:23:22

1984 Group
Registered: 2020-11-20
Posts: 42

UAM Version 1.3.789 Released for Miners Experiencing Issues

UAM Miner Update 1.3.789 Released for Users Experiencing Issues with Incoming Connections and Rewards

This is the announcement of the release of UAM version 1.3.789, which addresses issues related to incoming connections and reward reception experienced by some miners using version UAM 1.3.777.

During the deployment of miners running version UAM 1.3.777, we identified certain problems that could lead to instability in specific segments of the Utopia network. These issues may also cause difficulties with establishing incoming connections and receiving rewards for a portion of miners on that version.

We kindly request that miners affected by these issues carefully and gradually update to version UAM 1.3.789. After updating, please keep your miners running continuously for 24 hours or more until you begin receiving rewards.

For those updating, miners who replace/upgrade only the UAM binary files while retaining their existing databases tend to start receiving rewards sooner.

All miners successfully running UAM version 1.3.777 and receiving rewards DO NOT need to update and can expect stable performance until the next major update or announcement.

Download Links:

- Linux (RPM):
  https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … x86_64.rpm

- Linux (DEB):
  https://update.u.is/downloads/uam/linux … _amd64.deb

Best Regards,

1984 Group Team


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