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KAMSI_UG;17483 wrote:Kelechi;17442 wrote:Many newbies are lost and all they need now is someone to give the the direction they need I hope we can give them
The truth is that as a newbie if you want to learn there are willing and able SNR and experienced people here to guide you
The team can also dedicate some utilities that would support the learning process of newbies entering the ecosystem what do you all think guys
Nice suggestion mate, but are there recommendations you have? Special utilities might make the newbies forget and pay less attention to the Utopia P2P subgroups which is where all knowledge and experiences are shared In especially regarding cyptocurrencies
crpuusd;17408 wrote:Poverty is a choice that can't be made verbally but with decision making. Users who are ready to solve the States of being poor who need to be ready to go into something safe, profitable and guaranteed. The Utopia p2p ecosystem are always open to build people up but not to restrict invoking knowledge in new users.
It is a mindset but our environment plays a huge role on how much opportunities we can aim for and the possibilities that we can create. It is easy to be successful in an enabling environment and more difficult in one that is not so enabling.
Utopia is an opportunity that everyone can access.
You are right mate, cryptocurrency can be accessed by everyone social class not minding. I think what matters is the choice of coin and the type of cryptocurrency investment one channels their mind too and their willingness to learn more and do better
Camavinga;17512 wrote:Europ;17242 wrote:It only safe to keep your fund safe and restricts from making your datas publized or breach. If you restrict from signing up on those things thats collates or comprised your web services.
Social engineering and web attacks are propagating in numbers, even pig butchering scams, people that will deceive you that they love you, but they are scammers, do not trust them, if you are not greedy you will not be scammed, but if you are greedy you will be scammed easily.
Its true that a greedy nature of mind kinds brings about misfortune towards its doors but a carefree handgiver (investors) will always reap bountifully even in the time of drought.
It’s best to remove greed from cryptocurrency because returns only comes to those that invested in cryptocurrency. Most of this greed ends up becoming huge losses because it prompts wanting to get it all by the person
The trouble is that the scammers don't always make it easy to remain rational. Effective scams tend to tap into your emotions and pretend to be trustworthy.
Aside this they make their profiles seem so good and look like the real ones but I still believe anyone being so cautious of his/her personL information security should know when a project is lacking some needful security
Detroit;17475 wrote:Robbery activities are attracted to any financially abled entity. All they need is a place they can throw in their net and catch fishes(prey).
If scammer throw their net to catch their victims, the people that are smart will find a way to avoid that net, but the people that are not smart and are greedy will fall into it. Scammers have their ways, for you to keep your coins you have to know those ways and watch out for it.
I agree with you mate, Most of the greedy people lack the patience to follow up a good forum during its growing process and invest in them rather they go out there and look for the easy and fast means to get returns with or without investment
The CRP Crypton coin will without doubt do better than previously but it will require time and patience for those investing in it. The returns will be worth it
Now is the time smaller clubs would be cashing out on their stars and with the heavy money flying in football this days I am sure many clubs would be boosting the price of the talented players
Dozie;17332 wrote:Gambling is a very addictive game and it's not easy to actually control yourself but that's not an excuse because nothing is impossible.
With enough control it is easy to gamble without being addicted to it. I have gambled at some different times and it was at a controlled rate only investing very little into it that I can afford to lose.
Not everyone can boost of having a control over the spirit of putting in more to gain much more. And before one knows it turns to a habit and the person may find it hard to do other meaningful investments that can yield money
I believe we as a community and one that's growing fast can also help with the publicity of CRP crypton we just have to do our part and that's keep spreading the word.
You are right mate, this includes doing a few minutes video and posting on social media with hashtags and giving reviews about the forum, the CRP Crypton and the exchange as well. Which can help tell more people about the forum and the Crypton coin
You are right mate, they try to maintain their user privacy and they know the best features to make public and private as long as they online written on profile is showing then it’s better than none at all
Once a coin is lost, it can not be recovered and might result in huge crypto investment losses. So it’s best to avoid any form of mistake by keeping one’s eye open and paying attention to every detail while doing a transaction on an exchange
The talk for the mobile application might always be brought up because many users always like to know what other users of an application they’re not using see as an advantage and also to know the best option Incase of switching to another application
KAMSI_UG;17069 wrote:KAMSI_UG;17011 wrote:Well if you have put in efforts into CRP crypton buy buying it then all you just need do now is be patient and hold it for a very long time.
In addition to this hold a coin always know that there would be bad times because the market is always volatile
Many newbies are expecting a bad time that's why they always Panic anytime there is a fall in the price of the coin they are holding it's crazy.
It might not be called a bad time but an act of fear because most of the newbies may not have done any investment before now and the fear of running into a loss at an early stage can cause the panicking
The Utopia P2P ecosystem are doing their best in all the departments and even if there are others where they’re lagging definitely not the marketing aspect because even members are doing their part too to tell others about the forum and it’s best crypto exchange too
KingCRP;17087 wrote:JONSNOWING;17046 wrote:It’s best to take into knowledge that as long as a forum has a good start and doesn’t have scammers amongst their developers, then it’s hard to put in methods that scammers can hack so easily into such systems
Well also take into consideration that not many people are familiar with UtopiaP2P forum yet and I hope we don't get influx of scammers in the future.
Many times it's not all about being familiar with the forum, there are forum that started getting scammers and spammers at a very early stage of the project m
Scammers most times do not review their true identity, unless the hacked an account of someone already in the forum, because how then can they own an account they opened by themselves
Europ;17116 wrote:gap;17092 wrote:I prefer this method of crypto investment, probably am i not have any experience in crypto trading but actually i have in some Centralised forex trade. Some actual told me that the forex trading is quite a scam.
Well i believe some people actually makes conclusion due to the little knowledge they invest in such task, and in the long run the task caught them off in middle because of they fail in understanding the necessary roles.
Definitely some people actually jump decision whereas they know just a little about a certain source and when they get lose in the process they would rather place the blame on the system rather than accepting their mistakes.
This people are always prone to Making another huge mistake, cryptocurrency isn’t what one stays and figures out on their own. It requires a good knowledge of cryptocurrency, its coins, exchanges and how they all work generally. Please let’s avoid jumping into cryptocurrency investment without gaining the knowledge required
CrytoCynthia;17027 wrote:To sum up, in a world that is moving more towards decentralization, a self-custodial wallet will ultimately be at the core of all activities and networking.
Yeah but there are so many people that do not know this or they know it but they choose to be lazy and not take responsibility. If you want to be safe you have to keep your coins by yourself, do not allow another person or organization do it for you.
No serious person in cryptocurrency would play with their coins by allowing another person or organization keep their coins for them because it’s just like testing someone to see if they would steal from you and still calling them thieves when they eventually do
The largest form of fraud occurs when a cryptocurrency exchange is hacked and the cryptocurrency being stored at the exchange is stolen.
The cautiousness that is involved in cryptocurrency doesn’t only relate to us users but also the owners of an exchange. But how is it possible that a cryptocurrency exchange can be hacked
Well a simple answer is that we keep investment now so that we can make good profits in the future. It's as easy and simple as that .
You are right mate, also most important reason why most people invest is to have a good use that brings returns for a money they want to use in few years or months time rather than keeping it ordinarily in the bank
Camavinga;17215 wrote:<div class="quotebox"><cite>Detroit;17048 wrote:</cite><blockquote><div><p>The poor tend to think that the reason they are poor is because they aren't rich. It sounds ludicrous when you read that sentence but that is exactly how many of them think.</p></div></blockquote></div><p>Your post has humor in it, but even in the midst of the humor i understand what you are saying very clearly, though it is not the case for every person that is poor, there are people who are poor but they are also very hardworking, they are just unlucky that they have not been able to make money.</p>
Absolutely, bro, some are just unlucky to find themselves in that ugly situation. They must have given it their all and still could not remove themselves from poverty.
I doubt if the idea of poverty is same as the one we are relating to here, because I think it’s impossible for the poor to be involved in Cryptocurrency, unless it’s the average ones who do their best to invest a little and can feed themselves to some extent and have shelter
Crpuss;17143 wrote:Kelechi;17047 wrote:Well most people who opt for the centralized exchange option are those that are a bit new to crypto-currency that's my own take on it
Centralized exchange is very easy to understand and it's like a place newbies actually think they are safe on and it's actually very crazy to think about it
Centralized exchanges are supported by government because they are easily manipulated they Are acting as a link for government to stretch their hands in cryptocurrency.
Is there a need for government involvement in Cryptocurrency, and what advantage does the centralized exchange have over the decentralized exchange because of governance involvement? For me I prefer the decentralized exchange like the Crypton exchange for transactions
Kelechi;16835 wrote:JONSNOWING;16832 wrote:I think for a forum that relates with cryptocurrency investments there won’t be need for such manners among us members, because we learn from ourselves and putting up any less behavior won’t be profitable at all
Well learn everyday, I am not a rookie to cryptocurrency or Utopia p2p but I must say I have learnt so much so far from it .
This forum has to be my first forum where I have not seen complains of spamming nor have I seen of scamming.
It’s best to take into knowledge that as long as a forum has a good start and doesn’t have scammers amongst their developers, then it’s hard to put in methods that scammers can hack so easily into such systems
KAMSI_UG;17009 wrote:Crpuss;16921 wrote:Hey mate I believe you meant KYC well kyc actually means know your customer and this is when you are required to submit some very sensitive personal details of yourself.
There has been report about people getting into serious trouble with the law by just giving out their details for kyc.
Well why give out your sensitive details when you have the option of decentralized exchanges and crypton exchange is one of those exchanges.
No security cautious cryptocurrency investor can opt for a centralized exchange and claim not to know the risks involved. Most of this informations should be left for newbies to follow up to avoid mistakes that can lead to huge losses
I think the talk on decentralized exchanges and centralized exchanges should simply be put as being a choice and based on what one wants, but as long they render the services they need and they are good. But exchanges can be good too
Kelechi;16998 wrote:crpuusd;16965 wrote:Well can actually be proud if there are list of tools provide for the use of all users and been updates time to time in other for users to know whats there choice are
Tools is something Utopia p2p hardly fail to provide all you just have to do is learn to look around.
Utopia p2p not only provides tools for their community they also give the community the opportunity the create their own tools
Every good forum should provide good tools and features to all their members which helps their activities in the forum much easier, relatable and worth it by its users. Utopia P2P always puts in their best