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JONSNOWING;20060 wrote:Kelechi;19980 wrote:Well the price is affected by so many factors regardless I am bullish about the cryptocurrency market future and I see a Bull run soon
This is also a good time to get more investors of the CRP coin because everyone soon believes that the future of crypto will soon shine brighter and it’s best to purchase now so as to be on a safe side when the bull run comes up
Yes, it will be nice if we see investors making such decision but they anticipated the bullish market and never make a good preparation for it by purchase more crypto now.
CRP is a very stable coin and with the pace it’s going it will be a good investment decision for those that invested in Crp coin or anyother cryptocurrency especially before the bullish market comes up
Aside crypto, most individuals may not show interest in other things which is why it’s best for one to always do what they enjoy doing. Cryptocurrency has different areas to focus on differently I guess
Anyone using the CRP Crypton coin exchange and is also in the forum should know the right measures to apply to avoid fallen victims of Crypto recovery services. The best services so far haven’t failed on this forum
CrytoCynthia;20086 wrote:Well it's a foolish decision to actually make in general, there have never been any wise person who has advices other to go borrow money and then invest it in cryptocurrency, it never ends well.
I beleive peopel make foolish decision like that at some point out greedy purpose or impatient.
I agree with you mate, no one should invest in cryptocurrencies with a borrowed money. It should apply to generally any investment because in issues of it crashing, I consider it a double loss
CrytoCynthia;20141 wrote:Well I am an investor and the most benefits an individual can have is when they keep what ever they invested in for atleast a good number of time this would enable the investment to mature.
You have a point but we have people that live on crypto currency and we can't advise them not to do the short term investment for their weekly or monthly earning. However, that doesn't mean they didn't do the long term investment.
You have a point mate, investing in short term is far better than not investing at all. The notion should be changed to encourage those still starting up to invest short term and not wait till they can invest big and long term
IyaJJJ;20244 wrote:crpuusd;20238 wrote:The brighter fact is to acknowledge the greater good and consistence efficiency of its secured services . This grooms the world for safer business environment.
I believe that you're about the uniqueness of the UtopiaP2P service which is indeed provide a brighter of online activities, crypto and blockchain related activities not every business.
Hey mate can I ask a question pls what are some of the utilities you see on Utopia p2p that you love so much and what's the reason you love it.
The utilities you mean are the services the Utopia P2P renders and I love the CRP Crypton coin which is the best for me so far and their private web browser. Am yet to see some of their services too
I think Neymar has shown throughout his career that he is very interested in the money, so I am not very surprised that he actually went to Saudi Arabia because the money they were offering was too huge to miss
thrive;20201 wrote:oba;20200 wrote:Recognize that cryptocurrencies often experience significant volatility and maintain a focus on the long-term potential of your investments.
It's crucial to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks, and there are no assurances that the investment will be profitable or experience price increases.
Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance, do extensive research, and, if necessary, seek professional advice because cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable.
Having the right investment mindset should cover alot of things to consider before investing in cryptocurrency. I have seen situations where newbies out of fear exchanged their coins back without good returns due to the short period of holding it
There are many reasons to relate with the reason for the hike in price of CRP but with further growth of the Utopia ecosystem the CRP coin will widely be known and this can lead to more spike in price
Well I am an investor and the most benefits an individual can have is when they keep what ever they invested in for atleast a good number of time this would enable the investment to mature.
You are right mate, it is valid for a cryptocurrency investor to hold their coin for a long term especially CRP to give them a good return on investment and the value of that coin to be known
Vastextension;20100 wrote:JONSNOWING;20098 wrote:I agree with you mate, investing with a good coin always has more advantages and reruns than no investment at all. All businesses and investments let’s not forget has their good and bad days, same applies to the cryptocurrency market
Yes, investing in a good cryptocurrnecy is always a good decision any crypto investors would ever made but most crypto investor always forget about the good and bad days of crypto market.
Investing in cryptocurrency would always be a good idea to me but investing in cryptocurrency has it own risk and definitely it own rewards especially when you get it right.
I agree with you mate, I think cryptocurrency investment isn’t a wake up start investment, it requires background researches on all crypto coin and invest. Thud should reduce loss most times
I believe the government might be aiming for a big return, funds which cannot be controlled by government are usually being preferred by cryptocurrency users which makes it a criteria for some people in choosing an exchange
Okay guys, the improvements of the CRP coin in the next six months is definitely coming out to be very favorable and I believe those that invest now and watch it for some moments
I don’t advice anyone borrowing Money for any business, in cases where the user needs their money back the borrowed money might not have gotten the person enough profits to start up with
what if in the cases the borrowerd finances gets stolen or robbed which the owner may not want it that level. It’s best to save
Lanistergame2;19796 wrote:oba;19785 wrote:It is important to remember that while cryptocurrencies may have advantages, they also have risks and difficulties, such as price volatility, regulatory uncertainty, security concerns, and scalability restrictions.
If you pick a good coin the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of it. There are also disadvantages in any investment one can venture into from Gold to real estate.
Using CRP I can say that there are lots of advantages on this network.Yeah its obvious that some people who dig deep and got to utilized their knowledge are probably getting the more of the ecosystem and this will actually favour all users choosing utopia p2p ecosystem.
I agree with you mate, investing with a good coin always has more advantages and reruns than no investment at all. All businesses and investments let’s not forget has their good and bad days, same applies to the cryptocurrency market
JONSNOWING;20051 wrote:CrytoCynthia;20044 wrote:Well Utopia p2p can actually reach more users but they have to further increase their marketing, although I must confess that Utopia p2p hasn't been doing such a bad job but they can do more.
You are right mate, what marketing strategies can we members bring up to the developers team for the forum to improve their marketing performance to the best to get their users out there that they haven’t reached out to
Well for now the simplest and more affordable for users like us to bring about is telling people about CRP crypton and all of it's benefits this is the easiest way we can follow up.
Okay mate, there should be a sub board where users can interact and talk about the problems and challenges they encounter coupled with multiple questions they’re are being asked by those they’re introducing to the forum or telling about CRP Crypton
Kylian Mbappe will always be a good asset to any team that is why Real Madrid are doing their best to get him to their team. They have made advances at him for like three years now which tells how serious they are at getting him, although he is going to set their finances heavily, they still know that he will prove his worth on the pitch
Vastextension;20069 wrote:JONSNOWING;20062 wrote:The advantages of using the Crypton coin are numerous but for me, the fact that it hasn’t done so badly is enough reason to stick to the CRP coin and invest more in it
The same thing goes for me either because every cryptocurrency that didn't perform badly in the market is always a good investment in the future particularly those that did well in the bearish market.
Well I have always had that mind set that cryptocurrency is volatile that's why I am not easily moved by the market because I understand that it would always get better.
Most investors fail to understand this part especially the newbies, it all take patience and the willingness not to quit for someone to hold cryptocurrencies because of this volatility
Aside holding of the CRP Crypton long term for increased returns especially in cases of crptocurrency bull, are there other investments one can use CRP to start up? Following the current price of the CRP coin
KAMSI_UG;20005 wrote:CrytoCynthia;19995 wrote:Well Panic mostly arise from fud fear uncertainty and despire and also FOMO fear of missing out and all this happens because if the fake news and rumors being spread
It's hard to control the narrative of the news and this is the tool the big guys with money uses to manipulate the market, now they are using influencers.
Well this is amongst the reasons I don't just foolish believe what ever an influencer says because many of them are bought and actually paid to do this sort of jobs
You are right mate, but it’s sad most persons still make their choices based on the influencer of the product or service without knowing that most of the influencers do not use this products or service, rather they were paid to boost their client base
But guys, the forum can still gain more investors to their side if they increase their marketing strategies in countries that allow for buying and selling with Cryptocurrencies. This will inturn boost the popularity of the CRP Crypton coin
JONSNOWING;20057 wrote:CrytoCynthia;20050 wrote:Well there are lots of reasons why some people share other people details and majority of the time it's not for good purposes so I believe that it should not be allowed on the UtopiaP2P ecosystem.
The Utopia P2P ecosystem operates on securing users private information, so sharing of users information shouldn’t be heard of in their system. I prefer when forums set down their patterns of protecting their users and stick to it Whig is a reason why the Utopia ecosystem is different and better so far for me
Yes, the UtopiaP2P ecosystem operates in the privacy and security of user data but that's not the function of the forum. It is the user that will have to play in the privacy rules and also respect the forum rules.
Okay mate, but interms of posting of one’s personal data in Utopia, does this refer to the forum or the user? Because I think members cannot access eachother’s personal data while on the forum
JONSNOWING;20053 wrote:Europ;20010 wrote:One of the most annoying part of traditional bank system is the so called "account freezing" and some countries suffer alot of this poor banking system. This actually cause a delay in funding your business when the saves capital is needed.
I had an encounter once where my account was freezed, the problem isn’t the freezing it’s the process to unfreeze it. Since I got to know about cryptocurrency and the CRP coin I have decided to stick with being incharge of my own bank through their privacy and security
I have never had the issue of bank account freezing but I can relate to the problem of going to the bank to solve the bank account issue and this is the reason why decentralized platforms is better.
Most traditional banks freeze an individual’s account in cases of the transaction or credit amount, which with cryptocurrency cannot be encountered because you operate as your own bank
The advantages of using the Crypton coin are numerous but for me, the fact that it hasn’t done so badly is enough reason to stick to the CRP coin and invest more in it
JONSNOWING;19918 wrote:I think no one would have issues using the Crypton exchange as it is easy and user friendly. Getting all knowledge about the exchange before using it is a basic step than diving into Crypton exchange
You're have a point but not only Crypton exchange and if you notice you'll see that almost the service provided by the UtopiaP2P ecosystem were create to be easy and user friendly.
It contributes to the reason why most users prefer to stick to the Crypton exchange and the Utopia services because of their methods of operating and their user friendly services