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#1 Utopia Guides » Mining on Windows with Hyper-v (RU version) » 2021-12-15 01:52:50

Replies: 0

Полный гайд по майнингу криптона. Виртуальные машины

Это будет небольшой гайд, как майнить криптон на виртуальных машинах, если вы довольно ленивый, и у вас нет желания устанавливать linux и разбираться в нём. Этот гайд довольно простой, поскольку я предоставляю, полностью мою рабочую версию виртуальной машины, которую просто надо скачать и установить.

Системные требования

1.Более 4гб ОЗУ.
2.Более 4 ядер процессора
3.Статический белый айпишник + включенный UPNP и NAT на роутере + скоростной интернет
4.SSD диск

Разберём пункты по подробнее:
1.У вас должно быть больше 4 гб оперативной памяти, это касается того, когда вы запускаете виртуальные машины или же просто на своём компьютере. К примеру, если я запущу на виртуальной машине бота, и выделю ровно 4096 мб, то он не запуститься, поскольку операционная система тоже займет часть памяти. Когда я пользовался виртуальными машинами, я выделял по 4500 мб.

2.С ядрами наверное всё понятно, выделять ровно 4 ядра, ни больше ни меньше.

3.Этот пункт объединяет всё что касается сети. Для начала у вас должен быть нормальный маршрутизатор. В первую очередь он нужен, чтобы справляться с нагрузками. У меня самого два провайдера заведены в квартиру, на одном у меня майнинг, на другом как обычная сеть для домашнего пользования. Что касается интернет соединения, то советуют исходить из формулы, 10 мбит — 1 бот. Но в плотную лучше не брать. Также провайдер должен вам дать статический белый айпишник. Также вам нужно включить UPNP на роутере и NAT

4. SSD обязателен, поскольку жесткий диск просто будет не успевать, но для запуска одного бота сойдёт. Тем более на SSD работать комфортнее в раз десять.

Виртуальные машины

Существуют много гипервизоров. Но затронем самые популярные.
Мне удалось попользоваться тремя на windows: VMWARE, VirtualBox и Hyper V. Самый эффективный и быстрый это Hyper-V, так что мы о нём и поговорим.
Если вы хотите просто попробовать запустить ботов, то ваша домашняя операционная система подойдёт, но если вы планируете запускать ботов в большом количестве, то я бы вам посоветовал Windows Server 2012 R2 с GUI. Но также никто не мешает вам запускать на специальной операционной системе window server hyper-v, если вы не боитесь командной строки.
Чтобы установить hyper-v в windows 10, вам просто нужно прописать эту команду в powershell от имени адмистратора:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

Далее вас попросят перезагрузиться, сделайте это. Для самых маленьких и ленивый, я разместил мою виртуальную машину на гугл диск. Чтобы вы не бегали по чатам в утопии, и не спрашивали как устанавливать линукс и тому подобное. Полностью готовая виртуальная машина, в которой вам просто нужно будет прописать свой публичный ключ, и которая сама будет запускать бота при старте виртуальной машины. Скачиваете файл, разархивируете его, и будем переходить к настройки hyper-v
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13-AYGv … sp=sharing

Настройка hyper-v

В поисковике вы должны найти hyper-v, открыть его. Вас попросят указать «подключиться к серверу авторизации», выбираете локальный компьютер. Далее переходим в диспетчер виртуальных коммутаторов. Нам нужно создать внешний виртуальный коммутатор. Вам выведет окно,  где вы ему должны дать имя, дайте ему utopia, и удостовертись, что он подключить к тому сетевому адаптеру, которым вы пользуетесь. Нажимаем применить. Переходим во вкладку импорт виртуальной машины. Выбираем папку с только что разархивированной файлом. Тип импорта «копировать виртуальную машину(создать новый уникальный индикатор)». Тыкайте далее, если выведет ошибку с виртуальным коммутатором, то проверьте что вы создали виртуальный коммутатор и назвали его utopia. Подождите пока виртуальная скопируется.

Настройка виртуальной машины

Нажимаете пуск и подключится к виртуальной машине. После включения советую проверить интернет соединение командой ping

ping google.com

Если что-то выводит, значит доступ в интернет есть. Ctrl+c завершить ping
Редактируем конфигурационный файл, чтобы запустить ботов командой, где надо прописать свой публичный ключ, за место yourPublicKey.
НЕ УБИРАТЬ --no-ui

nano utopia.bash

Прописав публичный ключ, нажимаем Ctrl+x, потом y, потом enter.
Мы сконструировали скрипт для запуска бота. Перезагружаем виртуальную машину. Если вы все сделали правильно бот должен запуститься, проверить можно это командой

screen -ls
screen -r "имя процесса который вывел screen -ls"

Спустя минут 5-7 бот загрузит блокчейн и у вас появится сообщение mining active. Выдает ошибку upnp not detected, проверьте что у вас включен upnp на роутере. Награда за майнинг приходит каждые 15 минут, когда начнется майнить свой первый блок от начала до конца.

Всем спасибо за внимание, буду рад если кому-то помог.

Если хотите выразить благодарность или задать вопрос, то пишите по uns «youtube»

#2 Utopia Guides » Mining on Windows with Hyper-V » 2021-12-14 13:56:59

Replies: 0

A complete guide to mining crypton. Virtual machines

This will be a small guide on how to mine krypton on virtual machines if you are rather lazy and have no desire to install linux and understand it. This guide is pretty straightforward as I provide a fully working version of the virtual machine that I just have to download and install.

System requirements

1.More than 4GB of RAM.
2.More than 4 CPU cores
3.Static white IP address + UPNP and NAT enabled on the router + high-speed Internet
4.SSD disc

Let's analyze the points in more detail:
1. You must have more than 4 GB of RAM, this applies when you run virtual machines or just on your computer. For example, if I run a bot on a virtual machine, and allocate exactly 4096 MB, then it will not start, since the operating system will also take up part of the memory. When I used virtual machines, I allocated 4500 MB each.

2. With the cores, everything is probably clear, allocate exactly 4 cores, no more, no less.

3.This point unites everything about the network. To get started, you must have a normal router. First of all, it is needed to cope with the loads. I myself have two providers in my apartment, on one I have mining, on the other like a regular network for home use. As for the Internet connection, it is advised to proceed from the formula, 10 Mbps - 1 bot. But it's better not to take it into a dense one. Also, the provider should give you a static white IP address. Also you need to enable UPNP on the router and NAT

4. SSD is a must, since the hard drive will simply not keep up, but it will do to run one bot. Moreover, it is  more comfortable to work on an SSD.

Virtual machines

There are many hypervisors. But let's touch on the most popular ones.
I managed to use three on windows: VMWARE, VirtualBox and Hyper V. The most efficient and fastest is Hyper-V, so we'll talk about it.
If you just want to try running bots, then your home operating system will do, but if you plan on running a lot of bots, then I would recommend Windows Server 2012 R2 with a GUI. But also no one bothers you to run window server hyper-v on a special operating system, if you are not afraid of the command line.
To install hyper-v in windows 10, you just need to write this command in powershell on behalf of the administrator:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

Next, you will be asked to reboot, do it. For the smallest and laziest, I have hosted my virtual machine on a google drive. So that you do not run on chats in utopia, and do not ask how to install Linux and the like. A completely ready-made virtual machine, in which you just need to register your public key, and which itself will launch the bot when the virtual machine starts. Download the file, unzip it, and we will proceed to the hyper-v settings
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13-AYGv … sp=sharing

Configuring Hyper-V

In a search engine, you should find Hyper-v, open it. You will be asked to indicate "select computer", select the local computer. Next, go to the virtual switch manager. We need to create an external virtual switch. It will give you a name, give it a utopia, and make sure it plugs in the network adapter you are using. Click apply. We pass into the projected machine. Select the folder with the newly unzipped file. Import type "copy virtual machine (create a new unique indicator)". Poke further, if you display an error with a virtual switch, check that you have created a virtual switch and named it utopia. Wait for the virtual copy to be copied.

Setting up a virtual machine

Click start and connect to the virtual machine. After turning on, I advise you to check the Internet connection with the ping command

ping google.com

If something displays, then there is Internet access. Ctrl + c end ping
Let's edit the configuration file to start the bots with a command, where you need to register your public key, in place of yourPublicKey.

nano utopia.bash

Having registered the public key, press Ctrl + x, then y, then enter.
We have constructed a script to launch the bot. We reboot the virtual machine. If you did everything correctly, the bot should start, you can check it with the command

screen -ls
screen -r "name of the process that printed screen -ls"

After 5-7 minutes, the bot will download the blockchain and you will see a mining active message. It gives an upnp not detected error, check that you have upnp enabled on your router. The mining reward comes every 15 minutes when it starts mining its first block from start to finish.

Thank you all for your attention, I will be glad if I helped someone.

If you want to express gratitude or ask a question, then write to uns "youtube"

#3 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Crypton Exchange - vote for new coin » 2021-11-25 10:10:32


Bitcoin is at the moment the personification of cryptocurrencies

#4 Developer Thread » Utopia API + Node.js example » 2021-11-12 18:24:52

Replies: 6

Good day to all. I am a regular user of utopia. In the process of using utopia, I came up with ideas that I would like to implement using the utopia API. I don't have a lot of programming experience, and I ran into certain problems when interacting with the API. Therefore, I will post here an example of code in node.js that can help people like me in the future.

This is a simple example, how I called the getMiningBlocks() function, and then display the last data.

const got = require('got');

got.post('', {
    json: {

        method: 'getMiningBlocks',
        token: 'yourtoken'

    } , responseType: 'json'
}).then( response => {

    console.log(response.body['result'][response.body['result'].length - 1]);



  dateTime: '2021-11-12T17:35:04.417Z',
  id: 69490,
  involvedIn: true,
  involvedInCount: 15,
  numberMiners: 28716,
  price: 0.003343083

In got.post, pay attention to which port you are referring to (I use 20010) and which protocol (I use http).

You can even try it on Windows.
Installing a headless version of utopia on linux doesn't even bother you.
In order to try enough for you, just open Utopia, go to the API menu and enable it. Of course, before that you need to download the nodejs and npm package "got"

Thank you for your attention, I hope I can help someone

If you have any questions, my public key is:

#5 Re: General Discussion » The mechanism of interaction of a mobile application with the network » 2021-09-21 18:55:27

I think that it will work from the utopia api on ios, it is unlikely that the iPhone will allow itself to be considered a bridge. But on android, you can definitely wait for a full version

#6 Re: Articles and News » Mikrotik and Mining » 2021-09-20 15:47:24

and you can also create a virtual machine, download utopia to it, run a vpn through your server, and then you will be the most protected person on the planet

#7 Re: Articles and News » Anonymity. Expensive pleasure? » 2021-09-20 15:44:18

I will never forget reading Richard Feynman's autobiography. When he started working on the creation of a nuclear bomb, he arrived in a very protected area where many scientists worked. At that time, he began to get interested in breaking locks, it became very interesting to him. One evening, he decided to try to crack a very simple lock of the cabinet door with glass inserts. When he did this, he was amazed, behind this door there were secret documents about the creation of a nuclear bomb. And then think for yourself

#8 Re: General Discussion » What is currently missing within the ecosystem? » 2021-09-20 15:36:22

after a little thought, I can say that utopia lacks the ability to create an uns sales request inside the system, so that the seller and the buyer could be completely calm

#9 Re: General Discussion » Why do you use Utopia as a best privacy tool? » 2021-09-20 15:32:55

maximum privacy, no one can find out who you are and where you are. It is also the best system for exchanging information that even providers are not able to track. And if you turn on another vpn, then you will be in the bunker

#10 Re: General Discussion » Utopia is the future of the darknet? CRIME like TOR? » 2021-09-20 15:29:01

people at the top of my comment are waiting for the crp to become a new bitcoin or monero, but it has already become unique, having no analogues both in mining and in integration into the platform. From your point of view, that this network serves only for the dark market, I can say one thing, it doesn't bother anyone right now to move all the darknet sites here. And the fact is that utopia is still in the shadows. The developers, as you can see, do not want to announce themselves to the whole world yet, and I am sure that they do it consciously, because it is unlikely that fools could create this project

#11 Re: General Discussion » Exploring the potential of gambling » 2021-09-20 15:23:18

To achieve this, you need to make a fully automatic selection of participants and a fixed fee. In addition to this, you will need the open source code of the roulette itself. In general, this is a great idea.

#12 Re: General Discussion » Description of the Principles of Operation of the Utopia Network » 2021-09-20 15:20:53

this text should be sent to the people you want to invite to utopia, this is a revolutionary project that the world has not seen yet

#13 Re: General Discussion » Is the utopia ecosystem suitable for conducting opposition activities? » 2021-09-20 15:18:26

utopia is suitable for everything related to privacy and anonymity. I'm tired of the fact that every money transaction I make, every site I visit is tracked

#14 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Buy & Sell UUSD using 24/7 bot in Utopia » 2021-09-20 15:15:46

as it was, and if we take the early time, there were people who were equal to 1 crp 1 usd, and tried to buy and sell through guarantors

#15 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » The list of CRP cryptocurrency exchanges » 2021-09-20 15:12:56

at this point in time, I can say that I am an internal crp exchange, better than others. Registration is fast, input and output are also fast. For example, zg requires verification, and there is also a very long input and output. Latoken takes a fairly large commission when withdrawing usdt, there is also cryptex, but it is not suitable for those who want to sell crp and has quite a small amount of it

#16 Re: Developer Thread » API » 2021-09-20 15:08:41

The Utopia API has become quite extensive, now you can use it to do large-scale projects

#17 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Guess the price of CRP at the end of 2020? » 2021-09-20 15:06:50

if we now estimate the market volume, the issue of coins at this moment and compare it with quite popular coins, then with the same demand, the price will be about $ 1000

#18 Re: Questions and Help » Auth by using utopia pubkey? » 2021-09-20 15:04:42

you can use public key to send mail to him to throw authentication

#19 Re: Crypton Purchase, Sale and Exchange » Crypton Exchange - Native trading experience with Utopia » 2021-09-20 09:14:50

If you are afraid for all your kryptons, you can first throw a small part to make sure that they will come

#20 Re: Video Reviews and Shows » Dr Hack on Utopia, the Decentralized Ecosystem | Blockchain Interviews » 2021-09-20 09:13:48

I am very proud that there are such people in utopia who believe in this project, because I am also one of them. Together we are one

#21 Re: Utopia Guides » Utopia Tutorials - Database Export/Backup » 2021-09-20 09:10:38

storage Wipe () in the Utopia API allows you to remotely erase your database if it matches your token and is online

#22 Re: Alternative Currencies » Bitcoin » 2021-09-20 09:08:02

At the moment, Bitcoin is in very bad hands. The exchanges fully control its price for their own purposes

#23 Re: Questions and Help » Why may wallet show 0 CRP » 2021-09-20 09:04:35

When, after restarting the PC, you enter utopia. The wallet balance is zero in the first minutes, you need to wait for you to sync with the network, and then it will show the actual balance. Once I got a very old database from the start of utopia, and I waited about 5 minutes for the network to sync

#24 Re: Mining and Proof-of-Stake » Having problems starting mining bot (UAM)? » 2021-09-20 09:01:43

Most of the problems arise over the network, since it is difficult for an ordinary user to understand the difference between different networks. This guide helps to some extent to understand what is going wrong

#25 Re: Utopia Guides » UAM Mining Bot Step-by-Step Guide » 2021-09-20 08:59:36

Before you rent an expensive server, I advise you to first try to do it on the minimum possible server

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