
Official forum for Utopia Community

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#526 Re: Questions and Help » No place to see when someone was last online » 2023-06-12 20:25:51

KAMSI_UG;13287 wrote:
Comrade;13264 wrote:
Lanistergame2;13109 wrote:

A mobile app is great and reaches out more to the younger generation who are used to mobile applications and not forum like websites.
But it does not fix the lack of a PM option, which to me is not much of a problem.

Well definitely maybe we shouldn't be expecting a PM features then. We all have each other to make things right.

Well it right if we expect the PM feature happening very soon I myself expect it but I would love that it should not be abused

The PM feature created wil definitely be abused, a lot of people are in the forum and keeping them together to not abuse it. It’s left for selected professionals to perffect and work all areas that might bring doubt

#527 Re: Channels and Groups » Is it possible to post people's personal data in Utopia? » 2023-06-12 20:11:02

Europ;13411 wrote:
IyaJJJ;13356 wrote:
oba;13355 wrote:

I think the reason is that they need proof of guarantee in other to know what they are really up to since there's danger in the use of various websites.

Although that may be the reason but UtopiaP2P ecosystem is not one of the various websites because it standout in many angles for good reasons in terms of privacy and security.

There is actually a lots of proof and more people benefiting from the secured extents of transaction and investment. utopia p2p ecosystem is not like any other platform out there, its developed with a Mastermind innovative secured community for everyone who need a safe transact coin, get information and more over enjoy the Utopia new untraceable coin, Cryptons and UUSD.

The utopia P2P ecosystem renders the best services to their users, they offer features that protects an individual’s personal information, security and lots more which are the basic things intending project users look up and join

#528 Re: Channels and Groups » channel for writers » 2023-06-12 20:06:02

This is a good idea, is it possibly for them to write on cryptocurrency and outside Crptocurrency. Succes to all that will participate in the full competition

#529 Re: General Discussion » Why does Utopia work with scam projects? » 2023-06-12 19:56:49

IyaJJJ;9194 wrote:
Detroit;8840 wrote:
Comrade;8667 wrote:

In every day by day activities we uses different kinds of web server for our activities, utopia p2p its just another benefiting web just as your social media, web browsers,  affiliate sever, banks account, wallets etc.  All this can be used in various way,  Utopia doesn't tolerate missused of  server neither support fraudulent act.

The fact that it doesn't support fraudulent acts does not rule out the original fact that it can acquire as a medium for scams or any fraudulent act because of the anonymity and privacy it offers.

You have a point since the UtopiaP2P ecosystem provide a privacy service that can't be find anywhere in the world and it's normal for people who are into fraudulent to abuse it benefits

You are right mate and I think this is where people normally miss out because scammers can claim to own a forged project or forum and advertise on YouTube to get their victims

#530 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-12 19:53:42

Detroit;13439 wrote:

Promoting crypto offerings can be tricky as it requires more tactics than just placing ads and banners on different websites.

Through crypto content marketing, you must explain to prospects the use cases of your project and how it can benefit the users.

And I thought no difference exist between Cryptocurrency marketing and normal business marketing. This also means that Professionals in crypto marketing with a grounded knowledge about cryptocurrency handles it

#531 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-12 18:44:28

Professionals are always recommended when it comes to social media campaign because they have their way around getting lots of engagement which is based on a target audience which is based on age, gender and location depending on the type of service the campaign runs

#532 Re: General Discussion » To overcome malicious threats » 2023-06-12 18:09:59

Europ;13185 wrote:
JONSNOWING;13098 wrote:

The Forum is yet to get to their peak reward with enough traffic for all their good efforts. And this services they offer to all their users attracts and makes others believe in them and invest too. Users talk to others about where they’re treated right and recommend them

We all knew how Bitcoins tend to come to the trade market and widely acceptable. So what you if CRP work on thesame foot of Bitcoin.

Different niches exist in businesses, so the CRP is like a niche or a type of Cryptocurrency which functions independently on its own features, rules and what they set to achieve or change in the history of Cryptocurrency. While CRP is trying to get to the top listing more coins are still trying to rise too

#533 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-06-12 18:06:40

The reason most persons in their late adulthood are still rushing into cryptocurrency investment is that they know even if they should retire or stop their white collar jobs or busines they can still run their Crypto investments and techs too

#534 Re: General Discussion » Crypton in the next six month » 2023-06-12 18:03:38

I doubt if any user here can do that mistake of exposing their privacy keys or security, we learn a lot from eachother here and it should be enough to guide anyone to secure their privacy keys and security

#535 Re: Channels and Groups » The forum special board » 2023-06-11 20:15:56

Lanistergame2;13114 wrote:
crpuusd;12908 wrote:

We all hope on that and which its so soon mate. The CRP coin got on a high quality standard and as we have hope it will actually get more better and more interesting.

I am very certain it would get much better. I only learnt about crypton and utopia a few months ago but I have tagged it to be one of the top crypto projects and a must have in the portfolio of any crypto investor.

The Utopia project and the CRP Crypton are two great recommendations I always give to intending Cryptocurreny users and investors that will always yield good results. The forum only offers the best

#536 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-06-11 19:18:55

I agree with you mate, it’s the work of the users coupled with the Project moderators to ensure the right posts are being delivered.

#537 Re: General Discussion » Be Privacy conscious; Protect your data » 2023-06-10 19:48:02

That’s another strategy to use mate, and I believe people work with previous reviews especially from those they’re Close to or have seen using a project . This guarantees them that the recommended forum or project can be trusted

#538 Re: General Discussion » Warning: Don’t leave your funds on an exchange/crypto service » 2023-06-10 19:44:31

Detroit;13071 wrote:

Doing your research on crypto does not have to be tedious; once you understand the necessary information to look for and where to look for them, making informed investment decisions become easier.

Research most times might not involve a personal effort, knowledge and information are shared on Cryptocurrency related groups like the utopia p2p  forum where members get to share their experiences using cryptocurrency

#539 Re: General Discussion » To overcome malicious threats » 2023-06-10 19:40:42

The Forum is yet to get to their peak reward with enough traffic for all their good efforts. And this services they offer to all their users attracts and makes others believe in them and invest too. Users talk to others about where they’re treated right and recommend them

#540 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-10 19:33:37

Social media always serves as a community where people from all walks of the world meet, interact and do business with as long as you bring a solid reason why they should trust joining your project or establishment and it’s advantages. I believe a social media campaign will bring all expected outcomes

#541 Re: Merchants Accepting Crypton » 1800+ merchants accepting Crypton CRP and Utopia USD » 2023-06-09 21:58:26

Kelechi;12886 wrote:

Well I have gone true the list of merchants that has accepted CRP crypton as a medium of exchange but noticed that it was mostly based on a particular region and other regions were left out.

There might be reasons the regions are left out, but if more region can get into accepting the CRP Crypton. I believe it will make the market out there more easier for merchants

#542 Re: General Discussion » Warning: Don’t leave your funds on an exchange/crypto service » 2023-06-09 21:37:57

Detroit;5984 wrote:
Lanistergame2;5978 wrote:
Detroit;5977 wrote:

You totally have a point there. But you will agree with me that organizing some social gathering examples seminars and webinars would elevate or improve the chances of people being thier own bank.

I guess there is no harm in trying. Even if just one person is convinced to act as their own banks as a result of such an event, then it is totally worth it.

Whoever would organize it would need to be well grounded on how to act as your own bank, including best security practices and privacy methods.

I guess that's why forums like this are created. To share ideas and support each other but I'm the internet and outside the internet which also includes coordinating ourselves and helping those who need it both intellectually and in every other aspect as much as we can.

The benefits of being in the Utopia P2P project keeps on getting on the good side ranging from knowledge gotten from different individual experiences on Cryptocurrencies and scammers and investment advice generally

#543 Re: Articles and News » How to Think Like a Hacker and Avoid Threats » 2023-06-09 21:21:26

There’s no better way to avoid hackers than to understand how they operate and the methods they use aside from one’s private details especially newbies. Don’t get involved with what you don’t know

#544 Re: Questions and Help » Why do people invest in cryptocurrency » 2023-06-09 21:12:09

Camavinga;12729 wrote:

People buy cryptocurrencies because of a speculative belief that these tokens are going to go up in the future, because a new future is being built on the stakes and investment.

And most of this people may not last on Cryptocurrencies, they got attracted by the good side and forget that investment is like a coin with two sides that are prone to fluctuating anytime

#545 Re: Questions and Help » what happens if CRP is lost » 2023-06-09 21:04:13

The Crypton exchange is one exchange everyone should try and see this things for themselves, choosing a good exchange reflects on how one thinks of the project or anything related to it and the Crypton exchange provides the best service

#546 Re: Channels and Groups » channel for writers » 2023-06-09 20:56:53

KingCRP;12866 wrote:
Kelechi;12856 wrote:
Lanistergame2;12853 wrote:

I have read a few but majorly I read articles and blogs. It would be great to have a book written solely for utopia.  That is a book I would definitely pay to get and read.

Well I think it would be great too also it doesn't have to be a physical book, a digital copy of the book can Also work.

Well what's the essence of having a Utopia p2p books when Utopia p2p has good helpful articles that can help anyone for research purposes.

Most people prefer books to articles, anyhow the choice of majority maybe. Books most not only be offline  but can be an online book

#547 Re: General Discussion » Be Privacy conscious; Protect your data » 2023-06-09 20:45:32

Getting influencers to get one to their target audience is what every business requires and should do to promote their business and connect with more people. The influencer having the target audience needed, as long as it brings results to Utopia

#548 Re: General Discussion » What do you enjoy doing outside of crypto? » 2023-06-09 20:40:50

Most achievements here are upto the web developers, we users mostly bring up recommendations, share knowledge about cryptocurrency and what’s happening outside Crypto. A discussion can last as long as views are coming in from different people

#549 Re: General Discussion » Beware of crypto recovery services! » 2023-06-09 20:30:17

Detroit;12919 wrote:

For a crypto project, a good crypto social media marketing strategy is essential in getting the word out and earning trust.

A well-defined and comprehensive social media marketing strategy will help boost the online presence and reach of the Crypton brand.

You are right mate, what makes a successful start is strategy, it’s might be easy to get a social media campaign but what brings new users and intending users is the strategy, people appreciate what they see value in and what they have seen so far

#550 Re: General Discussion » Why does Utopia work with scam projects? » 2023-06-09 20:24:34

There’s always a threat that comes with scam projects or apps, it’s a Ponzi scheme and they are based on referral and little coin earnings that will yield little profits till the user invests a large sum and it will be all gone

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