Official forum for Utopia Community
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I totally agree with you mate, and the fact that a lost Cryptocurrency cannot be retrieved should be enough eye opene r and a more reason to protect their Privacy and securities while using the Crypton exchange
I think a lot has improved on the forum recently, and the intended traffic has also improved too. It’s left for us members to keep on informing the newbies about the Utopia P2P especially on areas they may find confusing at first
thrive;7424 wrote:IyaJJJ;7398 wrote:Out of curiosity but why would safely browsing the internet be difficult when people can easily do it through the Utopia Idyll browser or web proxy?
This is the exact thing I am trying to point out because this 21 century and there's some application which Utopia app client is one that does the secure task for you and with the use of an antivirus like Kaspersky there should be no issue.
Yeah, that's true there mate. But how many people are aware of all these informations? Many people do not know a lot of all these stuff including so-called cryptocurrency users.
I think even the Master minds in Cryptocurrency still keep on learning and developing new knowledge regularly. I know there are some basic information every crypto user should know but some can be in the upcoming forums where little or no informations like this are shared to them
The count down to the FA cup begins as Manchester city would be facing Manchester united on Sunday, for really this match would be very hard to predict but I believe we would have an exciting match This time
A lot of self monetized websites are really creating misconceptions especially to their newbies about their service operations . It’s not linked in any way to Cryptocurrency. They’re are prone to crash at any moment, Utopia follows its Fourm guidelines
I think the government should leave Cryptocurrency and its Decentralized exchange. Cryptocurrency is doing great in its way no need for regulation of Cryptocurrency market by the government interference
A lot to learn from this forum, I only thought this was linked to clicking on links and inputing ones private data to unknown sources. Thanks mate for this idea, I believe it’s in all our hands to protect our personal data and the forum from any form of threat
They can stilll throughly be recovery service providers but can scam others by denying they didn’t see the Coins let’s say they want to recover and channel it to themselves without leaving a trace. I have come to understand that once Cryptocurrency is lost out of carelessness the only thing left there will be to learn from such mistakes
But can subjects not related to the forum and Cryptocurrency be written on the Writers channel? I think members might be more interested in this topics and there will be a good number of interested members. As long it stays in track with the forum rules
Learning a skill and learning it well is significantly different between having two or more skills and not mastering any. People only invest into good skills that would give them a value for their money not what you have little idea on
And I can agree that the ones surviving are the ones with this abilities mentioned so far. I think it explains why almost everyone wants to be involved in anything Cryptocurrency for future sake
I think the Utopia team are mostly focused on promotes their project Privacy and safely. The Forum shouldn’t look like the normal social media accounts where few personal securities can keep them secure. Utopia focuses on privacy and security of its users
I think the cryptocurrency forums should by now to some extent be good knowledge platforms for its members. Hackers should by now not be given opportunities to steal if members can treat security as the most important and not clicking on links and getting involved In Ponzi schemes
CRP offers user anonymity when it comes to transactions, and most big investors prefer some of this features and coupled with the good transaction rate which compliments it. I mean no one would leave best for merely good in a business inclined idea
The Android Version willl be a lot easier for the team than the IOS and the Utopia developer team always focuses on getting the best out of a project or feature rather than doing all at once and none Seems ti work
What major considerations aside privacy and exchange rate should one consider before using an exchange. This two have always been my considerations but I feel there’s top and low things to consider
Finally made my first transactions with CRP although I sent the coin to someone Crypton uWallet in as much as it's simple I believe with great cautiousness you should not be loosing your CRP Crypton.
Congratulations mate, there’s always a good start to a great investment. And now you can confidently transact to your own uwallet when you are ready. Transacting carefully should bring no loss of CRP exchange, people need to understand that anything Cryptocurrency should be done with extra caution
Yes, I totally agree with it being a fun idea to chat with fellow users. Especially for those that want to make private enquiries with fellow members. But this may not be seen as needed by the forum admins. All features complying with the forum rules will be added in due time
Yes, but most times skills that are related to what one knows already might be a good choice. Because with you know or already know you just have to relate both and give the best they can offer if need be and get laid handsomely too
And the really don’t care how their dirty means of making money is creating doubts from people concerning the real good investment and upcoming businesses out there, I feel a public calling out of this scammers when a suspicious move is noticed will help others avoid them
In the next few months may still turn out to be a good wait, And those investing in it won’t have a regret especially CRP. Keeping our fingers crossed the outcome willl be for the best guys
I totally agree, because most of this scam projects might put in extra efforts to look so real but a forum like this gives all its members especially the new members the knowledge to identify scams from the informations we share here
Dumping distinguishes the strong willed from the weak willed, I know how tempting that can be and one’s Ming saying it’s the best time now. But there’s still alot of people I know that don’t believe in their project, and the don’t get to see the good sides of Cyptocurrency holding because of fear of coin dropping.
Comrade;10345 wrote:Europ;10344 wrote:Seem like you guys are willing to work with the system?
If that will be possible its will be a great privilege and cause the future of crypto currency is 100% of a sucess.
Crypton would definitely be the Future of the financial system that's a fact but right now the real issue is trying to hold the right coin it's really not easy to find.
I agreee with you on this mate, but Weighing all possibilities CRP will definitely be worth holding and aside finding the right Coin to hold, were you get your information also matters. Some might be misleading people to coins you know nothing about
I think the Forum administrators may be looking into all of this and at the due time the forum special board will be created and more of our recommendations met