Official forum for Utopia Community
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full;2643 wrote:KAMSI_UG;2612 wrote:Crypton exchange must definitely have the record of the fastest transactions on any exchange. I sent out Usdt to my other exchange and the time for the Usdt to reflect on the other exchange has to be my personal record time.
A lot of good things were said about the Crypton Exchange and this explains the reason why genuine privacy enthusiast sees Crypton Exchange as their go-to pace for a decentralized and privacy trading platform.
Well I don’t get why centralized exchanges gets more publicity than centralized exchanges. I think Crypton exchange is more effective and reasonable than some of the so called big centralized exchanges we have today.
Well I think you meant centralized exchange get more attention than decentralized exchange well that has to do with the fact that they are more non cryptocurrency experts out right now but a true cryptocurrency enthusiast can't choose a centralized exchange over a Decentralized exchange
JONSNOWING;2543 wrote:I registered today and I didn't experience such thing as captcha, although it made it stress free for me I don't mind the inclusion of a captcha because in the bigger picture it can protect everyone of us in this group.
Well the captcha is meant to prevent the storming of bots in a forum, but as things are now there aren't much activity of such so may be in the future.
I think some bot has now found a way to also bypass the captcha test now, so even captcha isn't a necessity right now, I actually see it as waste of time and it could be also frustrating for new comers.
So guys everyone seem to be advising we all leave Latoken exchange right? But if the complains are too much can’t Utopia p2p cut off ties with them officially since the community is experiencing problems using their exchange.
Why search for more exchange with CRYPTON exchange has all anyone can ever want from a Decentralized exchange. The only reason anyone should search for another exchange is if they aren't yet familiar with Crypton Exchange because it works on all region.
KAMSI_UG;2656 wrote:Never take anything no matter who tells you about it serious unless you have done your own research about it. Utopia p2p is a decentralized project and just like every project they try to protect their community but still they can complete do that with you playing your own part too
In a decentralized ecosystem, it is the individual that has the most part to play, all the project does is to create the platform and make it secure and available, how you use it is up to you, you have to do your research and make sure you are doing everything correctly. There is also a factor of irreversibility, so any mistake made could prove too costly.
You are Right mate and this is the point people fail to see and understand, the fact that Utopia p2p is decentralized doesn't mean you should be lackluster, I believe the decentralized nature means that your identity is protected and secured but still you have your own laft to play.
I don’t know if utopia has a mobile app, i would love someone to answer me if it does or not. Well if it doesn’t, i would love for a mobile app to be added, both for Android and IOS, it would help people to easily access utopia seamlessly. I would support a mobile app for utopia asap.
Well mate Utopia p2p has an Android version application but if you need my personal advice I suggest if you have a pc most preferably a laptop then you are better of with the desktop version of the application.
CrytoCynthia;2533 wrote:I had wanted to send a pm to someone who hasn’t been online and I want to check up on but the no inclusion of a private message option has prevented me from doing so. We need a pm on this forum.
Well for now there is no pm and we should understand that. I think we can drop our Utopia application client account if we won’t a private message engagement with anyone until the forum gets a private message option.
But on the second thought the forum is still growing what would you possibly want to send a PM to someone about, like everything is not too complicated for now, I also think the PM option can also wait.
But checking out this thread uVoucher was only posted once that is two uVouchers where posted in just one post and since then no other post of uVoucher has been made or am I getting something wrong here?
KingCRP;2512 wrote:Guys it's a new year and I believe in big moves this year. As a matter of fact I would be purchasing my first uNS this year but I still haven't decided on which I would be getting can you all give me recommendation
First my advice to you would be for you to go and do your research on what uNS is all about never be in a rush because you would be bringing out your money for this. When you have done that would would be able to choose which uNS you need.
I have come across a place where someone was comparing uNS to something like an NFT market, bow true is this? And also is there an open place where one can sort out which uNS they would buy?
JONSNOWING;2575 wrote:This post is very basic and has literally meaning, did you make any transactions? Did someone send you any CRP Crypton or you had some amount of CRP and all of a sudden you can seem to see them ?
I think he was talking about his initial Crypton coin balance which is showing zero and this is always caused if the wallet synchronization is not complete or there's a synchronization error.
Wait mate please let me understand you, what you saying is that he was talking about hos wallet balance which was zero and he is complaining that his a wallet is still zero? Like what was he expecting it to be?
Crypton exchange must definitely have the record of the fastest transactions on any exchange. I sent out Usdt to my other exchange and the time for the Usdt to reflect on the other exchange has to be my personal record time.
I have traded CRP there on Crypton Exchange for several times and it's always gone well but what I am yet to confirm is trading Monero and Bitcoin there
Well it's not practically possible to totally combat the tanishing of Utopia p2p image, and see people do it in the best of way that you can't actually take any legal action against them what we can do is keep spreading positive messages about Utopia p2p
Well since tjos post was about Utopia and Crypton in 2021 well we aren't in 2021 any more so guys what do you think about Utopia p2p and Crypton this year 2023?
JONSNOWING;2560 wrote:Well for now I have not issues with Crypton Exchange although I haven't been using the exchange for too long and I would keep testing it out more soon but since I started using it I have no problem with it.
Well no need to check for too long the truth is that Crypton exchange has very little amount of issues if there is any at all, I have used it for several trading and buying and selling and I only experienced a slight delay in transactions confirmation on one occasion.
On Crypton Exchange you enjoy amazing benefits, fast transactions, no kYC requirements, low gas fee and it's also very secured. There is hardly any fault you can attribute to using Crypton Exchange
It was a poor performance from Chelsea FC really. It's crazy losing two times in a row to the same team Manchester city now they are out of the fa cup, caraboa cup and are tenth in the league.
Ok guys let’s take for instant that the Service board kicks off how would it work? Utopia p2p is like an ecosystem of its own, would it be possible or right that a project or a service from some entity that is not decentralized to run their service program on this forum.
Yes the service isn't from Utopia p2p and I believe they would warn people to always do their research before they thing of joining and if there is any known scam we can tag the project or the poster.
Kelechi;2459 wrote:Happy new year guys, back to the service board issue, I think if there are plans to add new board into this forum.this year service board should be amongst, a forum where one can sell their service on would get good traffic.
The service board may not be added because I think I am beginning to understand Utopia p2p skepticism. This is an ecosystem that wants to protect its users and community so some services may pose as a threat to all that.
Do you think cryptocurrency can ever be completely safe? This is a forum and we all are aware of Some of its dangers doesn'tean we won't join in. I think the service board can really be of profits to the ecosystem community.
Well is it only about translation of stuffs from other languages into English, this would only be appreciated by English speaking people how about also translating stuff into french, Spanish or Portuguese.
Well definitely you do not need any permission on that, if you see any article you like and think it would be helpful you can always pick ghe article up and try translating it in the languages you understand.
This post is very basic and has literally meaning, did you make any transactions? Did someone send you any CRP Crypton or you had some amount of CRP and all of a sudden you can seem to see them ?
Well why I use Crypton is because of the exposure of my privacy using other coins, Crypton CRP give me all the privacy protection I ever want.
How about other use case of Crypton CRP other than sending anonymous transactions. Guys don't forget that CRP Crypton is trading on platforms like Hotbit and even Crypton Exchange and it's also doing very well.
Camavinga;2520 wrote:I think ‘online’ and ‘offline’ is okay, it does not mean that if ‘last seen’ is added it would be bad, but i don’t know if it is all that necessary, though it can help one to know how long another user has been away and to know if they are still present or available in the forum, but other than that i don’t see it as being extremely relevant right now. Though any addition to make the forum better will be welcomed.
Well online and offline is okay to me but also I had business with someone or I am expecting someone I would really be interested in when the person was last seen on the forum so as to know if they are active or okay
Practically all social media platform I am on all have the option of showing when someone was last seen and I think there are lots of benefits having it and as always for to that doesn't like it they can have the option of turning it off .
Well I would like to some other coins listed on Crypton Exchange and that's what's missing to me. I have come to appreciate CRYPTON exchange and I want to use it as my default exchange.
And what's that coin you would love to see listed on Crypton Exchange? Mind you Crypton Exchange has listed se big name coins like Bitcoin, Monero and even its own native coin CRP.
I have just one brief question and thats as a business many how can I accept Crypton as a gateway payment for my costumers to use? And are there any limitations to start this up?
Well the truth that Utopia mining system is one that Utopia p2p take pride in. And checking the mining channel on Utopia application I see many people are actively talking about how simple Utopia mining system is so I think the power consumption is low.
Well for now I have not issues with Crypton Exchange although I haven't been using the exchange for too long and I would keep testing it out more soon but since I started using it I have no problem with it.
This isn’t the only forum that is cryptocurrency related that I am on and many of the other forums are big on sports and the interest from their community is also massive, a sport group is ok by me.
Well I have a suggestion since we don't have a sport board out yet can't we just convert this post into a sport discussion section of the forum and we can discuss anything about sport here.